
someone know if it's now possible (and how) to stream with vlc on icecast ?
in ogg and/or mp3
Thanks by advance for yours answers
I've seen this link beforei point you to this:
Code: Select all
21:36 < Trax``> well I've been clueless for weeks now
21:36 < Trax``> but at least the ffmpeg problem with ldflags seems fixed now
21:36 < Trax``> so I should be able to use ffmpeg svn and x264 svn together in v
lc, now all I need is a version that has a gui :)
21:40 < j-b> feepk_: If you got some advice :p
21:40 -!- jaumeba [n=jaume@70.Red-80-25-183.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #v
21:48 -!- aCiD2 [i=nn@host86-128-150-221.range86-128.btcentralplus.com] has join
ed #videolan
21:48 < aCiD2> Hi all
21:49 < aCiD2> I'm trying to stream to an Icecast server with VLC, just audio in
mp3 format on windows xp - is that possible?
21:49 < aCiD2> I haven't had any luck yet
21:49 < dionoea> oy
21:49 < aCiD2> Was hoping someone could lend a hand, point me to some links - an
ything like that
21:49 < dionoea> it might be possible ... (not sure though)
21:49 < dionoea> did you look at the forums ?
21:49 < xtophe> adn: is it jlj feed or planet.v.o or both which are brocken
21:49 -!- _steven_ [n=steven@doc-24-32-208-230.pilotpoint.tx.cebridge.net] has j
oined #videolan
21:50 < aCiD2> dionoea, only one that had people attempting it, but with no succ
21:50 < dionoea> :/
21:50 < dionoea> what sout chain are you trying to use ?
21:51 < aCiD2> :sout=#transcode{acodec=mp3,ab=128,channels=2}:duplicate{dst=std{
access=http,mux=ts,dst=outfit.datacartage.com/stream.ogg:8000}} is it all, but t
he url is broken there
21:51 < aCiD2> and I don't know where to enter my user name/password for the ser
21:51 < xtophe> adn: hmm might be bloglines
21:52 < xtophe> you need access=shout
21:52 < aCiD2> "Use '#shout{url=user:password@server_host:server_port/mountpoint
}' " - seems promising
21:52 < aCiD2> yea
21:53 < dionoea> remove duplicate
21:53 < dionoea> and replace it with shout{....}
21:53 < dionoea> see what that does
21:53 -!- pp [n=ppouliot@] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
21:53 < aCiD2> #shout?
21:53 < puntloos> #twist
21:54 < dionoea> :sout=#transcode{acodec=mp3,ab=128,channels=2}:shout{url=user:p
21:54 < aCiD2> ok
21:54 < aCiD2> will try
21:54 < puntloos> call abbey road if it works
21:54 < xtophe> dionoea: do we really have shout{} i thought it was std{acess=s
hout, ...}
21:54 < dionoea> and since you'll want to stream a playlist and not just one fil
e (i guess), change :sout to --sout and add --sout-keep at the end of the line
21:55 < dionoea> xtophe: i'll check
21:55 < aCiD2> dionoea, no - I'm streaming one file - cause Traktor is writing t
hat file constantly
21:55 < aCiD2> so that's ok
21:55 -!- Inf3rn0 [n=straaleo@084202096016.customer.alfanett.no] has joined #Vid
21:55 < aCiD2> but icecast doesn't have a user name, just a password - how would
I put that in the url?
21:55 < xtophe> j-b: i really don't understand why jpsaman need ffmpeg-install.p
21:56 < dionoea> xtophe: hum, indeed
21:56 < aCiD2> are there any docs on the shout{} segment thing?
21:56 < Trax``> dionoea: what happens if the user or pass has a @ sign
21:56 -!- DanBrwn [n=d84d3a28@krishna.via.ecp.fr] has quit ["CGI:IRC"]
21:57 < aCiD2> Well, docs on :sout would be good
21:57 < Trax``> was it read backwords?
21:57 < xtophe> Trax``: it don't
21:57 < dionoea> aCiD2: :sout=#transcode{acodec=mp3,ab=128,channels=2}:std{acces
s=shout{mp3},dst=user:password@server:port/mountpoint} maybe
21:57 < Trax``> test:myp@ss@server_host..
21:58 < dionoea> i guess that you're doomed :)
21:58 < aCiD2> dionoea, yea - but there is no user (sorry if i'm misunderstandin
21:58 < dionoea> well the shoutcast server has a user authorized no ?
21:58 < Trax``> maybe it's guest then or something
21:58 < dionoea> it doesn't let anyone push a stream in does it ?
21:58 < aCiD2> all the commands I see use a user "videosource" so maybe it's aud
21:58 < aCiD2> dionoea, you give a password - but no username
21:58 < aCiD2> so I guess it's audiostream
21:58 < dionoea> ok :)
21:59 < aCiD2> testing anyhow :)
22:00 < dionoea> example in the source file is:
22:00 < dionoea> * vlc v4l:/dev/video:input=2:norm=pal:size=192x144 \
22:00 < dionoea> * --sout '#transcode{vcodec=theora,vb=300,acodec=vorb,ab=96}\
22:00 < dionoea> * :std{access=shout,mux=ogg,dst=localhost:8005}'
22:00 < aCiD2> no password at all? o.O
22:00 < dionoea> i don't know what the mux should be with mp3
22:00 < dionoea> maybe try adding mux=ogg (since you can mux mp3 in ogg)
22:01 < aCiD2> "stream_out_standard error: no suitable sout access module for `s
22:01 < aCiD2> Does that mean I don't have the shout module enabled in my build?
22:01 < dionoea> are you on windows ?
22:01 < aCiD2> yea
22:01 < dionoea> what vlc version ?
22:01 < aCiD2> 0.8.5-test2
22:02 < aCiD2> I have shoutcast output
22:02 -!- boggle [n=spindler@84-72-21-159.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #videol
22:02 < dionoea> in the prefs: "Stream output" "Access output" do you have a "Sh
oucast sub category?"
22:02 < aCiD2> tis in preferences
22:02 < dionoea> ok
22:02 < aCiD2> yup
22:03 -!- madman1234 [n=Adam@c-24-8-188-118.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #vid
22:03 < dionoea> do you have any other errors in the "Messages" dialog ?
22:03 -!- pp [n=ppouliot@] has joined #videolan
22:03 < xtophe> aCiD2: start by getting 0.8.5 final
22:03 < dionoea> xtophe: that shouldn't change anything for the shoutcast access
output :)
22:03 < aCiD2> dionoea, I'll just pastebin
22:03 < dionoea> paste.videolan.org
22:03 < aCiD2> http://paste.videolan.org
22:03 < aCiD2> sorry, too lazy to copy and patse
22:04 < madman1234> i'm using 0.8.5 on ubuntu and get this error when I try and
stream using mp3 audio: ffmpeg encoder error: cannot find encoder MPEG Audio lay
er 1/2/3
22:04 < dionoea> ubuntu does build the mp3 encoder due to licensing problems
22:05 < dionoea> you have to get a build from http://nightlies.videolan.org or b
uild VLC yourslef
22:05 < madman1234> so i have to recompile vlc?
22:05 < dionoea> "does not"
22:05 < madman1234> i'm using the one from nightlies
22:05 < aCiD2> http://paste.videolan.org/217
22:05 < vlcsvnbot> Anonymous pasted '' (http://paste.videolan.org/217)
22:05 < aCiD2> it says login failed though...
22:05 < dionoea> madman1234: well then ask adn :) he does those builds
22:05 < aCiD2> so i guess it's not audiosource
22:05 < Trax``> cannot prefill buffer is no input
22:05 < aCiD2> oh?
22:05 < dionoea> could you increase verbosity to "2" in the prefs and try again
22:05 < aCiD2> it works if I tick play local
22:06 < dionoea> login failed seems more problematic to me :)
22:06 < madman1234> should i pvt him?
22:06 < dionoea> madman1234: you can beep him here
22:06 < Trax``> but cannot prefill comes first?
22:06 < madman1234> what's that mean
22:06 < aCiD2> sorry, where is verbosity? I checked under logging, but can't fin
d it there...
22:07 < dionoea> Trax``: it does, but that shouldn't have any influence on the l
22:07 < dionoea> aCiD2: in the prefs, "Interface"
22:07 < aCiD2> ah yea, thank you
22:07 < dionoea> but the problem definitively seems to be due to missing login:p
22:08 < aCiD2> dionoea, same error, minus the input error
22:08 < dionoea> btw, if you ever get it to work, please add a small howto on ht
tp://Wiki.videolan.org and paste a small reply to the forum messages :)
22:08 < aCiD2> so it must be the username
22:08 < aCiD2> back to google
22:08 < aCiD2> will do! :)
22:08 < madman1234> i tried building vlc but could'nt get a gui to show up
22:08 < dionoea> you're missing libwxgtk then :)
22:10 < aCiD2> sweet!
22:10 < aCiD2> it's source, not audiosource
22:10 -!- DrZimmerman [n=theo@84-72-116-112.dclient.hispeed.ch] has quit ["Clien
t exiting"]
22:11 < dionoea> aCiD2: it works ?
22:11 < aCiD2> i -think-
22:11 < aCiD2> trying to connect now
22:11 < aCiD2> oh yes, it very much does work!!!
22:11 < aCiD2> <3 vlc
22:11 < dionoea> Great :)
22:11 < aCiD2> thanks so much for your help, everyone here :)
22:12 < aCiD2> I'll work on that wiki entry once I'm done djing ;)
22:12 < dionoea> thanks :p
22:14 -!- frying_fish [n=frying_f@AC8ECFB2.ipt.aol.com] has joined #videolan
22:28 -!- auswerk_ [n=auslandr@dsl081-252-002.sfo1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined
22:37 < feepk_> j-b: sorry, had to go quickly. I'll try the old gettext version
22:43 -!- hakker [n=51cfdf79@krishna.via.ecp.fr] has joined #videolan
01:17 < inselberg> i m not root ;)
01:18 < jbms> oh
01:18 < jbms> source it is then...
01:19 < inselberg> now its time to find out with switch is need ;) ... only near
ly a million posibilities ;)
01:23 -!- kenneo [n=kenneth@217-46-95.0505.adsl.tele2.no] has quit ["Leaving"]
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["( www.nnscript.de :: NoNameScript 4.02 :: www.XLhost.de )"]
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16:51 < thedj> it might work, but is ill advised
16:51 < Trax``> ok so ogg should be the only one available in the wizard
16:51 -!- frying_fish [n=frying_f@AC8DC04B.ipt.aol.com] has quit [Read error: 10
4 (Connection reset by peer)]
16:52 < thedj> i think so
16:52 -!- frying_fish [n=frying_f@AC8DC04B.ipt.aol.com] has joined #videolan
17:01 -!- aCiD2 [i=Ollie@host81-154-235-51.range81-154.btcentralplus.com] has jo
ined #videolan
17:01 < aCiD2> Hey, anyone know how to stream to a shoutcast server? I had it wo
rking with Icecast...
17:01 < aCiD2> But I just can't get it with shoutcast
17:02 -!- Aison [n=Foobar@] has joined #videolan
17:04 -!- giuliano [i=57032f78@gateway/web/cgi-irc/videolan.org/unlabeled] has j
oined #videolan
17:07 < Trax``> anyone object if I remove the TS mux in streamdata.cpp for theor
17:10 -!- Cru_N_cher is now known as CruNcher
17:11 < thedj> Trax``: mail vlc-devel about such things.
17:15 < thedj> oh. that i don't know
17:15 < thedj> Trax``: how come things like that are not in trac ?
17:16 < Trax``> because I was doing some reading on QTP limitations and bond pos
ted somewhere there is a strange sdtp atom written which isn't needed in mp4 but
was there when created with QT tools
17:19 < thedj> basically, we do SPS, replace first 4 bytes. and then we add thos
e 4 bytes AGAIN i think...
17:21 < thedj> damn i wish pengvado was here now...
17:21 < aCiD2> No ideas about shoutcasting then?
17:22 < Trax``> aCiD2: have you tried the forums?
17:22 < aCiD2> yup, nothing on shoutcast - just icecast
17:22 * thedj is too busy
17:22 < xtophe> aCiD2: give more info
17:22 < aCiD2> Ok
17:22 < aCiD2> one moment
17:23 < aCiD2> So basically, I have a shoutcast server at
I want to stream a wav file in VLC, to this server
17:23 < aCiD2> Here's my sout url:
17:24 < aCiD2> :sout=#transcode{acodec=mp3,ab=128,channels=2}:std{access=shout{m
17:24 < aCiD2> But, this gives errors, which I'll just pop in a pastebin
17:25 < Trax``> the one I noticed in forum that worked for icecast had mux=mpeg1
and no {mp3} inside the access=shout part
17:25 < Trax``> but I never tried that myself ..
17:26 < aCiD2> That sout has worked for Icecast fine n dandy
17:26 < Trax``> and wasn't there some default uesrname for shoutcast?
17:26 < aCiD2> What's throwing me is... I don't know the username for shoutcast,
and I don't know the mountpoint (it seems to be just /)
17:26 < aCiD2> http://rafb.net/paste/results/k4fCPo74.html my messages
17:29 -!- nuxper [i=nuxper@boi78-3-82-246-25-116.fbx.proxad.net] has quit ["++"]
17:29 < giuliano> sorry
17:29 < aCiD2> Trax``, If there is, I wish I knew it :)
17:29 < giuliano> I have this problem
17:30 < giuliano> when I start VLC
17:30 < xtophe> aCiD2: you got a space between the @ and the ip of the server
17:30 < giuliano> I have the problem that is very slow to load
17:30 < giuliano> why??????
17:30 < xtophe> giuliano: define slow.
17:31 < xtophe> the first time you launch it it can be slow, the other time shou
ld be normal
17:31 < aCiD2> Ah, so I do
17:31 < aCiD2> Here's my messages now:
17:31 < aCiD2> http://rafb.net/paste/results/6sjkPK18.html
17:32 < aCiD2> "stream_out_standard debug: extention is 144:9194/" That doesn't
look right
17:33 < thedj> ah.
17:34 < thedj> there is one big bug in that H264 sprop parser of us...
17:34 < xtophe> access_output_shout error: failed to open shout stream to 87.117
.193.144:9194/: Socket error
17:34 < xtophe> is the pb
17:35 < aCiD2> I don't get why though, Winamp can connect to it, so can my brows
17:35 < giuliano> sorry
17:35 < giuliano> but I must restart
17:35 < giuliano> see u later
17:35 -!- giuliano [i=57032f78@gateway/web/cgi-irc/videolan.org/unlabeled] has q
uit ["CGI:IRC"]
17:38 -!- Bond868 [i=54680521@gateway/web/cgi-irc/videolan.org/unlabeled] has jo
ined #videolan
17:38 < Bond868> someone here ?
17:38 < aCiD2> 118 here
17:39 < Bond868> can u help me with a problem wwith vlc ?
17:40 < Bond868> I've problems with playing .ts movies
17:41 < Bond868> it plays but with problems like the screen shakes
17:41 < Bond868> its not playing smoothly
17:41 < xtophe> sam: ?
22:20 < funman> (on the wiki)
22:20 < xtophe> yes
22:27 -!- cmert [i=478a398e@gateway/web/cgi-irc/videolan.org/unlabeled] has join
ed #videolan
22:28 -!- phmo [n=phmo@soy95-2-82-236-104-134.fbx.proxad.net] has quit ["Leaving
22:29 < cmert> Are there any nightlies for Fedora?
22:29 -!- aCiD2 [i=Ollie@host81-154-235-51.range81-154.btcentralplus.com] has qu
it ["Leaving"]
22:29 < xtophe> cmert: no
22:30 < cmert> thanks xtophe. I have one more question. When I tried to setup a
new vod stream on Win32 nightly it throws an error ("cannot setup strem")
22:31 < cmert> my cammond is basic setup "new Test vod"
22:31 < cmert> any comment about this would be really appreciated?
22:32 -!- drbreen [n=drbreen_@RAS24-113.UNI-MUENSTER.DE] has quit [Read error: 1
10 (Connection timed out)]
11:19 < Elemmire> *useful
11:20 < Elemmire> so anyone can say me how to fix it?
11:21 -!- lightyear [n=lightyea@p548756F0.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #videolan
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onnection timed out]
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11:25 -!- aCiD2 [i=Ollie@host81-154-235-51.range81-154.btcentralplus.com] has jo
ined #videolan
11:25 < aCiD2> Hi, it's been suggested that I try something with the latest nigh
tly/development build - do binaries exist for this, I do I need to build from so
urce? (WinXP here)
11:27 < Elemmire> don't try to ask something here - you won't get the right answ
11:27 -!- dalfz [n=dman@179.80-203-19.nextgentel.com] has joined #videolan
11:27 < Elemmire> just silence at all
11:27 < aCiD2> Sorry?
11:27 < aCiD2> I've asked lots of questions here and had answers...
11:28 < Elemmire> I wanna get help here and just had comments
11:28 < Elemmire> nothing avout how to solve my problem
11:28 < Elemmire> *about
11:30 < Dnumgis> Elemmire: it may seem you have found a bug
11:30 < Dnumgis> looking at your log
11:31 < xtophe> aCiD2: nightlies.videolan.org
11:31 < aCiD2> thank you xtophe
11:33 < Elemmire> hmm whery interesting
11:33 < xtophe> what's strange is : it manage to send the user and pass but not
Type I
11:35 < Dnumgis> courmisch: you here?
11:36 < courmisch> yes and no
11:36 -!- noclouds [n=mhfan@] has quit [Remote closed the connection
11:52 < courmisch> nah this error does not make any sense to me
11:52 < courmisch> bogus Winsock
11:52 < courmisch> Won't fix
11:53 < Elemmire> no, new one doesnt solve this problem
11:53 < xtophe> Meuuh: a semi-colomn ! you are on an extravagent day ?
11:53 < Trax|wrk> aCiD2: are you around?
11:53 < aCiD2> Trax|wrk, was hoping to ask you the same question ;)
11:53 < aCiD2> Don't like to bug working people ^_^
11:53 < aCiD2> Sure am, anyhow :)
11:54 < Trax|wrk> I don't think my commit made it into the nightly, are you usin
g windows?
11:54 < Elemmire> courmisch> an what to do with this? format c: /s ?)
11:54 < Elemmire> windows
11:54 < aCiD2> Trax|wrk, Yea
11:55 < courmisch> Elemmire: compile your own version and add debug code every w
11:55 < courmisch> I cannot do it myself, since I don't have a Windows box
11:55 < aCiD2> Trax|wrk, I guess I'm gonna need to grab mingw32?
11:55 < Trax|wrk> I have a private build
11:55 < courmisch> but it really looks like a crappy Winsock implementation
11:56 < Elemmire> damn
11:56 < aCiD2> Trax|wrk, if you don't mind sending it over, that'd be great
11:56 < Trax|wrk> http://www.firstmiletv.nl/vlc/win32/vlc-0.8.6-svn-win32-16255-
11:56 < Elemmire> I don't have a lot experience with winapi
11:57 < aCiD2> Thanks Trax|wrk, on it's way now
11:57 < Trax|wrk> could you test that? that is a svn 16255 with debug, latest co
ntrib and also has qt4 compiled (although not very functional)
11:57 < aCiD2> Can indeed
11:58 < Trax|wrk> that should have the protocol=icy thing .. hope that works for
ya, I also noticed shout uses format ogg and I think that needs to be changed t
o vorbis
11:58 -!- cypheon [n=cypheon@pD9513BEF.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ["leaving"]
11:58 < aCiD2> no, it used ogg as the container
11:58 < aCiD2> If you're talking about my previous sout?
11:59 < Trax|wrk> not the actual mux but the shoutcast API needs to set either S
HOUT_FORMAT_MP3 or VORBIS and it uses OGG now
11:59 < aCiD2> Oh, I see
11:59 < Trax|wrk> could be that's downwards compatible though, but I couldn't ge
t vlc with ogg mux working with shoutcast
12:01 < xtophe> Trax|wrk: you know that you can launch a nightly if you want
12:01 < aCiD2> No go yet, but I do have the icy protocol
12:02 < aCiD2> I'll paste my messages
12:02 < aCiD2> http://rafb.net/paste/results/H4e3sx89.html
12:06 < Trax|wrk> maybe standard instead of std?
12:07 < Meuuh> xtophe : just missed the shift key
12:07 < aCiD2> as in, :standard?
12:07 < aCiD2> Cause that didn't work :(
12:12 -!- jes-o-mat [i=jesusch@jesusch.de] has quit [SendQ exceeded]
12:14 -!- catastrop [n=catastr0@d14-69-178-65.try.wideopenwest.com] has quit [Re
ad error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
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12:15 < xtophe> aCiD2: could you try a mount point not finishing by .mp3
12:16 < aCiD2> Sure
12:16 < Trax|wrk> aCiD2: could you try this version: http://www.firstmiletv.nl/v
12:16 < Trax|wrk> so shout instead of shout2
12:16 < xtophe> it seems it take it to determine the mux rather than mux=mpeg1
12:16 < Trax|wrk> think I goofed up too many settings with my 2nd compile
12:16 < Trax|wrk> (metadata)
12:18 < aCiD2> Trying...
12:18 < aCiD2> Works!
12:18 < aCiD2> HOT DAYAM!
12:19 < Trax|wrk> that one works eh?
12:19 < aCiD2> Yups :)
12:19 < Trax|wrk> ok I did something wrong in shout2 then trying to add all sort
s of metadata
12:19 < aCiD2> hehe
12:19 -!- Elekchron [n=elekchro@71-83-181-238.dhcp.mtpk.ca.charter.com] has join
ed #videolan
12:19 < Trax|wrk> you'll notice the bitrate says 0 kbps
12:20 < Trax|wrk> this should work in the upcoming nightly too, perhaps I can te
ll it to try icecast protocol first, if it fails try shoutcast
12:20 -!- dansushi [n=dan@c-66-30-180-69.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has quit [Connecti
on timed out]
12:20 < Elekchron> why does my VLC player keep crashing?
12:20 < aCiD2> Well, this plays fine in iTunes - so as far as I'm concerned, it
works a treat :)
12:20 < Elekchron> everytime i open it
12:20 < Elekchron> it just automaticly closes after i open it
12:21 < xtophe> Elekchron: OS ?
12:21 < aCiD2> Elekchron, opened it from a shell?
12:21 < Elekchron> and sometimes i get the error that says problem and send repo
12:21 < Elekchron> Windows XP pro
12:21 < Trax|wrk> Elekchron: try adding --reset-config --reset-plugins-cache --s
ave-config vlc:quit
12:21 < Elekchron> giw
12:21 < Elemmire> ppl plz remind me how to add some software to cygwin because m
y mind doesn't work
18:57 < xtophe> DaKaZ: that's a kernel problem anyway. try to look at the option
18:57 < xtophe> courmisch: maybe you got an idea ?
18:57 < DaKaZ> yeah - we're looking at the kernel now... trying sysctl commands
18:57 < DaKaZ> we have forced version 2, but the linux box still does not respon
d to the periodic inquery
18:58 -!- drbreen_ [n=drbreen_@RAS24-031.UNI-MUENSTER.DE] has joined #videolan
18:59 < Trax``> aCiD2: still here?
19:00 -!- beldank [n=beldank@ngw.jaluna.com] has quit [Remote closed the connect
19:00 -!- drbreen [n=drbreen_@RAS24-080.UNI-MUENSTER.DE] has quit [Read error: 1
10 (Connection timed out)]
19:00 < Trax``> think I got shout running automagically now for icecast and shou
19:06 -!- infernix [i=nix@spirit.infernix.net] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connec
tion timed out)]
19:09 < adn> ah, mais il nous harcèle, notre gars, sur bugs.debian.org :)
22:13 < thedj> ok
22:13 < gibalou> p_block->p_buffer++ for the 1 byte skipping
22:14 < thedj> and i_buffer--
22:14 < thedj> now i remember
22:15 < thresh> re
22:16 < aCiD2> trax, great news
22:16 < thedj> gibalou: if i understand the h264 part of the packetizer, it migh
t not see 00 00 00 as an endcode, but include the 0's up untill the 00 00 01 ?
22:16 < aCiD2> Trax``, even
22:16 < Trax``> heya .. care to test another version?
22:17 < gibalou> thedj: yeah, it splits things up at 00 00 01 boundaries
22:17 < thedj> gibalou: ok, i need to rewrite some stuff here then i gather...
22:17 < aCiD2> Trax``, as always ;)
22:17 < thedj> cause this seems all broken
22:17 < Trax``> aCiD2: http://www.firstmiletv.nl/vlc/win32/vlc-0.8.6-svn-win32-s
22:18 < aCiD2> on its way now
22:18 < Trax``> try {mp3,bitrate=64,url="http://www.yourhappyplace.com",genre="w
22:18 < aCiD2> no mountpounts?
22:18 < Trax``> just your usual setup
22:19 < aCiD2> Righto
22:19 < Trax``> no need to select protocol
22:19 < aCiD2> is that url the url of the radio, or the url of anything?
22:19 < Trax``> if you run it with --extraintf logger -vvv
22:19 < aCiD2> ie, the radios website is at a different irl
22:19 < Trax``> no just anything, informational
22:19 < aCiD2> thought so
22:19 < thedj> gibalou: do you understand this?: "the byte stream NAL unit synta
x structure contains the first NAL unit of an access unit in decoding order ??
22:19 < aCiD2> can't you extract the bitrate from the sout?
22:19 < Trax``> the bitrate is informational too but required if you want public
22:19 < aCiD2> Ok
22:19 < Trax``> no unfortunately the shout module doesn't have access to codec s
22:19 < aCiD2> Ah, ok
22:20 < Trax``> but using ogg streaming to icecast that server does extract it f
rom the stream, just not for mp3
22:20 < E-bola> trax: did u put ur stuff on wiki yet?
22:20 < E-bola> if not its useless :)
22:20 < Trax``> and there's still some minor thing to fix, you have to specify b
itrate (if you leave it out shout fails)
22:20 < Trax``> E-bola: some stuff to fix and figure out first
22:21 < Trax``> I also noticed the encoder goes crazy when the server resets, it
gets stuck in an endless "cannot write to stream" loop
22:22 < aCiD2> Ok, time to give this a shot
22:22 < Trax``> aCiD2: and I'm not sure if shoutcast supports ogg, I can't get t
hat working
22:22 < aCiD2> I don't need ogg
22:22 < aCiD2> ogg was just the fix thing that worked when I was doing icecast
22:22 < E-bola> think shoutcast is mp3 or aac only
22:23 -!- auswerk [n=auslandr@dsl081-252-002.sfo1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined
22:23 < Trax``> btw could you check in the logs if it connects to shoutcasts it
gives some warning: switching to shoutcast protocol
22:23 < Trax``> I put it in as warning now, if it works ok I'll do that as debug
22:23 < gibalou> thedj: you need to read
22:23 < aCiD2> cant get a connection yet
22:25 < thedj> gibalou: ok
22:25 -!- nix [i=nix@spirit.infernix.net] has joined #videolan
22:25 < aCiD2> I'll chuck the messages up
22:25 -!- slaine_ [n=glengray@] has quit []
22:26 < aCiD2> ok, got it
22:27 -!- Aison [n=Foobar@zux166-181.adsl.green.ch] has joined #videolan
22:28 -!- zizzaz [n=blazfake@S01060006258ea5c4.vc.shawcable.net] has left #video
lan []
22:28 < Trax``> ok got mine working ..
22:28 -!- splAt1 [n=splat1@cpc2-leic7-0-0-cust281.leic.cable.ntl.com] has joined
22:28 < aCiD2> same
22:29 < Trax``> whee ..
22:29 < aCiD2> want the log?
22:29 < aCiD2> "access_output_shout warning: failed to connect to server, switch
ing to shoutcast protocol
22:29 < aCiD2> " is probably your man
22:30 < Trax``> yup that was the one
22:30 < aCiD2> :)
22:30 < Trax``> took me a while to figure out the stream had to be closed first
to change that protocol setting
22:31 < Trax``> setting public should work too now
22:31 < aCiD2> public?
22:32 < Trax``> {mp3, public, bitrate=64 etc.
22:32 < aCiD2> yea, but what does public mean?
22:32 < Trax``> yellow pages stuff you can find in winamp for example
22:32 < aCiD2> ahh
22:36 < thedj> oh crap !
22:36 < gibalou> thedj: the problem is definitely that ffmpeg thinks the data is
22:36 < thedj> gibalou: decoder is loaded BEFORE the packetizer ?
22:37 < gibalou> ah probably :)
22:37 < thedj> gibalou: causing the old extradata to be read.
01:07 < thedj> i'd been messing with firewalls
01:12 -!- lysander [n=lysander@alex.internationalconspiracy.org] has quit [Read
error: 60 (Operation timed out)]
01:12 < thedj> or not...
01:13 < thedj> ah come on
01:13 < thedj> this is killing me
01:15 -!- aCiD2 [i=Ollie@host81-154-235-51.range81-154.btcentralplus.com] has qu
it [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
01:16 * thedj pissed
01:17 < xtophe> 'night
01:17 < thedj> nope.. doesn't work yet
01:23 -!- bobby_C [n=bobby@85-124-80-39.dynamic.xdsl-line.inode.at] has quit ["G
oin' down hard"]
01:34 -!- KrzysztofKowalcz [n=Krzyszto@adsl-75-10-246-110.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.n
et] has quit [" HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <- Leading Edge IRC"]
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