VLC can't work with Freebox Multiposte

*nix specific usage questions

VLC can't work with Freebox Multiposte

Postby Beurt » 26 Dec 2005 16:05

Hi, and Merry Christmas to all !

First of all, please forgive my English (I learned it at school a looooong time ago)

My ISP (free.fr) is providing a new service to his customers: it's now possible for us to receive streams (tv streams) from our triplay modem-set-top-box (named freebox) on our computers through VLC. I'm not very aware of the technology used, but the ISP describe it like that: The freebox modem is running a RTSP and HTTP server able to stream MPEG2 TS on all his network interfaces (ethernet, WiFi, USB).

My config: the computer is behind a firewall, behind the triple-play modem (freebox):


The ISP need many ports NATed for everything to work fine (as you can read on another post on this forum: viewtopic.php?t=15319 ). So I forwarded ports 8080 (for HTTP), 5900 and 1234 (for the VLC-->freebox), 32600 to 32999 (for RTSP) to my computer.

I use VLC 0.8.4a (janus).

With Windows XP everything work fine.

With Mandriva Linux 2006 (same version of VLC coming from PLF packages) it don't work !

Symptoms: VLC gets the playlist (list of streams/tv channels) from the server, then try to connect to the first stream/channel, but nothing comes. The logs shows that VLC/live555 tries to connect without success, and then swap (about 10 min later) to next stream/channel in the playlist...

Here is a part of the logs:
[00000309] livedotcom demuxer debug: RTP subsession 'video/MP2T'
Sending request: SETUP rtsp:// RTSP/1.0
CSeq: 6
Transport: RTP/AVP;unicast;client_port=32794-32795
User-Agent: VLC Media Player (LIVE.COM Streaming Media v2004.12.23)
about 10 min later,
[00000309] livedotcom demuxer error: PLAY failed No RTSP session is currently in progress

[00000309] main demuxer warning: no access_demux module matching "rtsp" could be loaded
[00000308] main input debug: creating access 'rtsp' path='mafreebox.freebox.fr/freeboxtv/202'
[00000310] main access debug: looking for access2 module: 7 candidates
[00000310] vcdx access warning: Can't get file status for mafreebox.freebox.fr/freeboxtv/202:
Aucun fichier ou répertoire de ce type
[00000310] access_file access warning: mafreebox.freebox.fr/freeboxtv/202: Aucun fichier ou répertoire de ce type
[00000310] access_gnomevfs access warning: cannot parse MRL rtsp://mafreebox.freebox.fr/freeboxtv/202 or unsupported protocol
[00000310] cdda access warning: could not open mafreebox.freebox.fr/freeboxtv/202
[00000310] cddax access warning: could not open mafreebox.freebox.fr/freeboxtv/202
[00000310] main access warning: no access2 module matching "rtsp" could be loaded
[00000308] main input error: no suitable access module for `rtsp://mafreebox.freebox.fr/freeboxtv/202'
[00000308] main input debug: thread 3008011184 joined (src/input/input.c:386)
[00000278] main playlist debug: creating new input thread
[00000311] main input debug: waiting for thread completion
[00000311] main input debug: `rtsp://mafreebox.freebox.fr/freeboxtv/203' gives access `rtsp' demux `' path `mafreebox.freebox.fr/freeboxtv/203'
[00000311] main input debug: creating demux: access='rtsp' demux='' path='mafreebox.freebox.fr/freeboxtv/203'
[00000312] main demuxer debug: looking for access_demux module: 1 candidate
[00000311] main input debug: thread 3008011184 (input) created at priority 0 (src/input/input.c:230)
Sending request: OPTIONS rtsp://mafreebox.freebox.fr/freeboxtv/203 RTSP/1.0
CSeq: 7
User-Agent: VLC Media Player (LIVE.COM Streaming Media v2004.12.23)
Then halt for a moment before swapping to the next channel and again and again...

I guess it's not a NAT problem (Mandriva's shorewall isn't activated) because it works perfectly on the same machine with Windows (and i also tried to set my computer as DMZ and it don't work either with GNU/Linux).

Anyone can help me ? I don't use Windows, so I which not having to reboot my machine to watch TV...

New Cone
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Re: VLC can't work with Freebox Multiposte

Postby mazesloup » 26 Dec 2005 17:58


je peux te proposer pour le moment de forwarder tous les paquets udp qui proviennent de l'adresse mafreebox.freebox.fr vers le PC sur lequel tu veux regarder la TV.
Ou du moins d'autoriser cette IP à tout faire vers ton poste.

J'ai entendu parlé d'un VLC modifié qui n'utilise qu'un seul port, mais la modif n'est été faite que pour win32.

En espérent que cela t'aide chez moi cela fonctionne.


Postby k-o-x » 26 Dec 2005 18:05


I've been trying to build VLC-0.8.4a on Mandriva 2006.0 to include Crazy Fred's patch (he made two distinct patches, one to instruct VLC to use only two ports, the other one to make these ports runtime-configurable)... But I can't find livemedia, and thus I can't build VLC ! The http://www.live.com/liveMedia page is down and I can't find it anywhere else... Any idea ?


Maybe not a port problem...

Postby Guest » 26 Dec 2005 18:38

Thanks both of you !

But the problem may not be that kind:

Logs shows that ports used for RTSP(by VLC) are 32794-32795 and theses ports already are forwarded to my computer. Thus it works fine with (non-modified VLC and) Windows XP.

So it may not be a port-forward problem... "May"... Because I'm not absolutely sure...

for mazsloup (french): j'ai même essayé de configurer mon routeur pour que mon ordinateur soit dans la DMZ (tous les ports NATés sur le net), et ça ne marche pas avec la Mandriva.

for k-o-x: I don't think using the special version of VLC is necessary as it works perfectly with standard version, on the same machine but with XP instead Mandriva. And I can't help you with compiling (I dont code) !


Postby Beurt » 26 Dec 2005 18:40

I've been trying to build VLC-0.8.4a on Mandriva 2006.0 to include Crazy Fred's patch
To be more specific: are you a Mandriva user ? Have you got a Freebox ? If both Yes, is it working for you ?


Postby chand » 26 Dec 2005 19:34

slt à tous,

oui alors le patch de crazy fred fonctionne

j'essaie à present de compiler vlc sous ma LE2005 pour profiter des modifs

lorsque j'aurai une recompil qui marche j'en ferai un rpm

mais tte aide sera la bienvenue...

le make prend environ une heure ;p

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Postby xtophe » 26 Dec 2005 22:52

On peut le trouver où ce patch ?


Postby Windar » 27 Dec 2005 04:11


How I did it

Postby grabeuh » 27 Dec 2005 09:25


First, check you have live555 ( http://www.live555.com/liveMedia/ ) on your computer. If not, download it, untar it. Go in the live directory. Type "./genMakefiles linux", then "make".
Next, go into your vlc source tree. add this to your configure options : --enable-livedotcom --with-livedotcom-tree=/where/you/put/live
Compile VLC and install.
If your Freebox acts as a routeur, you can disable your firewall on your PC. If you don't want to, you have to allow udp and tcp traffic from and
That's how I managed to make it work.

PS :
Si tu as besoin de plus d'infos, laisse moi un e-mail où te contacter.


Re: How I did it

Postby Beurt » 27 Dec 2005 12:27

Hi, thanks for help...
First, check you have live555 ( http://www.live555.com/liveMedia/ )
Next, go into your vlc source tree. add this to your configure options : --enable-livedotcom --with-livedotcom-tree=/where/you/put/live
If your Freebox acts as a routeur, you can disable your firewall on your PC.
live555 is installed and VLC compiled to support it (cf logs in the first post).
The freebox is in bridge mode, and the firewall IS forwarding correct ports to my computer (hence "multiposte" works with Windows XP on the same machine).
Mandriva's Firewall is OFF.

The problem may not be a port matter.


Re: How I did it

Postby grabeuh » 27 Dec 2005 14:07

I don't know if it can help, but check the version of live555 you have. I was trying to compile vlc with an old version (2004.09.30) and it failed because of a change in a function call. vlc was waiting for 3 parameters and the library only 2. I upgraded my live libs to 2005.12.23 and it works.


Strange, very very strange...

Postby Beurt » 27 Dec 2005 16:31

Some new experimentation make me confused...

- First, I tried another PC on the same network (i.e. on local network, behind the Firewall/Router) with a Mandrake 10.1 running. I had the same symptoms: no stream (VLC was older but with Live555 support and able to work with Free's "multiposte" feature). This Mandrake has no firewall.

- Secondly, I tried to plug my Mandriva's computer directly to the Freebox (no NAT, no Firewall). And then, VLC worked perfectly...

So... It's now clearly a NAT problem. But... How it's possible that NAT rules of my external Linksys Router works fine with VLC running on Windows XP and not with VLC running on GNU/Linux ??? (on the same machine, but also on another one). Ports used should be the same (the logs on Windows and GNU/Linux shows RTSP ports between 32400 an 32999)...

I'm very confused... But more confusing is when I set my computer to the DMZ of my Linksys it DON'T work with GNU/Linux either (but remember, it works perfectly when the machine is directly plug to the Freebox).

What is going on ??? I'm stuck ! I can't see any solution...

For French speaking people:
Mon anglais est plutôt nul donc une explication en français ne fera pas de mal:

J'ai fait de nouveaux tests.
- D'abord j'ai essayé une autre machine sous GNU/Linux (Mandrake 10.1) sur le même réseau local (c'est-à-dire derrière mon routeur Linksys), et ça ne marche pas non plus (mêmes problèmes que ceux décrits dans le premier message). Pourtant ce n'est pas la version de VLC ou de live555 qui devrait poser problème.

- Ensuite j'ai essayé de brancher mon ordi (celui de la Mandriva 2006 du premier message) directement sur la Freebox (qui n'est pas en mode routeur mais bridge). Donc sans routeur ni firewall. Et là, VLC/Multiposte fonctionne très bien (enfin)... Mais je ne peux pas rester dans cette configuration, bien sûr (notamment parce que l'ordi en question est un portable pour lequel le routeur Wifi est d'un grand secours, d'autre part parce que dans le réseau local géré par le routeur Linksys il y a un serveur de fichiers et de mails donc l'accès m'est indispensable)

Je suis pas mal paumé puisque ces expériences montrent que les règles de routage de mon routeur externe (le Linksys entre la Freebox et les ordinateurs) fonctionnent quand VLC est exécuté sous Windows, mais pas quand il est exécuté sous GNU/Linux (que ce soit sur la même machine ou sur une autre !). Pourtant les logs indiquent que les ports RTSP sont à peu près les mêmes sous GNU et sous Win (entre 32400 et 32999)

Pire, j'ai testé avec l'ordinateur mis dans la DMZ du routeur, et ça ne marchait toujours pas sous GNU/Linux (alors que ça fonctionne quand l'ordi est branché directement sur internet. Alors que ça devrait revenir au même !!! branché directement==DMZ normalement, non ?)...

Donc on dirait bien que c'est problème de routage de ports, mais je ne vois pas du tout lequel !

Help !


RPMS for Mandriva 2006.0

Postby pterjan » 27 Dec 2005 21:44


I've been trying to build VLC-0.8.4a on Mandriva 2006.0 to include Crazy Fred's patch (he made two distinct patches, one to instruct VLC to use only two ports, the other one to make these ports runtime-configurable)... But I can't find livemedia, and thus I can't build VLC ! The http://www.live.com/liveMedia page is down and I can't find it anywhere else... Any idea ?
Some rpm are available in http://fasmz.org/~pterjan/rpm/2006.0/i586/
The patch is modified (vlc does not default to ports 31336 and 31337 but to the standard behaviour, you have to set the option in preferences > input/codecs > demuxers > rtp/rtsp).

I also started some doc in French on http://fasmz.org/~pterjan/doc/multiposte.html
Currently not reviewed and far from completion :)


pb de parefeu

Postby klod » 30 Dec 2005 11:53

j'ai réussi à acceder au flux en supprimant le parefeu... C'est donc bien un pb de port mais que je suis tes instructions preferences/.../demuxer/rstp/ je n'ai le choix que pour un port UDP et cela ne fonctionne pas...


resolved !!!

Postby Beurt » 09 Mar 2006 19:27

Good news for me !
My problem is finally resolved. It was a Netgear wgt624 (my router/firewall) specific problem !

I found solution here: http://www.netgear-forum.com/forum/inde ... 34015&st=0#

Crazyfred patch was needed (i currently use vlc 0.8.5svn with patch included, it's plf version) to set a 4 digits UDP port for RTSP...
Then changing UDP forwarding in the Router interface.

And it works (and rocks :lol: ) !!!

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Re: resolved !!!

Postby gowator » 19 Mar 2006 14:54

Good news for me !
My problem is finally resolved. It was a Netgear wgt624 (my router/firewall) specific problem !

I found solution here: http://www.netgear-forum.com/forum/inde ... 34015&st=0#

Crazyfred patch was needed (i currently use vlc 0.8.5svn with patch included, it's plf version) to set a 4 digits UDP port for RTSP...
Then changing UDP forwarding in the Router interface.

And it works (and rocks :lol: ) !!!
Weird, its working for me out of the box on Debian unstable... I just apt-got vlc and the extra codecs and streams, The only problem was the stream-out wasnt configured so got got the playlist from mafreebox... so I just enabled it in preferences and magically its all working.
Those using Mandrivel .. I would really check this, as an ex Mandrake user lots of stuff is like this like xmms and it justusually needs configuring to the correct stream....


Re: resolved !!!

Postby nmusilu » 03 May 2006 20:52

Good news for me !
My problem is finally resolved. It was a Netgear wgt624 (my router/firewall) specific problem !

I found solution here: http://www.netgear-forum.com/forum/inde ... 34015&st=0#

Crazyfred patch was needed (i currently use vlc 0.8.5svn with patch included, it's plf version) to set a 4 digits UDP port for RTSP...
Then changing UDP forwarding in the Router interface.

And it works (and rocks :lol: ) !!!
Weird, its working for me out of the box on Debian unstable... I just apt-got vlc and the extra codecs and streams, The only problem was the stream-out wasnt configured so got got the playlist from mafreebox... so I just enabled it in preferences and magically its all working.
Those using Mandrivel .. I would really check this, as an ex Mandrake user lots of stuff is like this like xmms and it justusually needs configuring to the correct stream....

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 12
Joined: 19 Mar 2006 14:42

Re: resolved !!!

Postby gowator » 16 Nov 2006 12:18

Good news for me !
My problem is finally resolved. It was a Netgear wgt624 (my router/firewall) specific problem !

I found solution here: http://www.netgear-forum.com/forum/inde ... 34015&st=0#

Crazyfred patch was needed (i currently use vlc 0.8.5svn with patch included, it's plf version) to set a 4 digits UDP port for RTSP...
Then changing UDP forwarding in the Router interface.

And it works (and rocks :lol: ) !!!
Oui Alors!
mais je peut contineur en anglais ....si mon francais n'est pas precice....
(je sais c'est pas correct :D)
Si tu utliserais les fontions NAT du freebox tu as besion de selectioner un address IP pour le freebox... et le freeplayer

MAIS .... avec le mode NAT sur le freebox tu a deja un firewall ... pourquoi utilise le 2eme ? (ou un 3eme avec Mandriva?)

Avec Mandriva tu as un firewall <<silent>> qui seras installer et demarrer sans notification/avertissment... si tu utiliserais le fonction de partager ton connection internet...
Et en+ ... il activerai avec un configuation tres bizarre ..

enfin ... utilse une seule firewall ... tout les firewalls tourne avec le meme logiciel... IPCHAINS ou IPTABLES ... et les seules differences sont le panel de config... tu ne gagne rein avec 2 ... chez toi .. (peut etre dans les enterprise avec les reseaux nombreux) ... mais tu perde beaucoup de facilite!

If you use the NAT functions of the freebox you need selectioner an IP address IP for the freebox... and the freeplayer

BUT with NAT on the freebox already have a firewall ... why use a 2nd? (Or a 3rd with Mandriva?)

With Mandriva you have a silent firewall that will be installed and started without warning if you use the function to share your internet connection...

Its also activated with a very weird config

Finally use only one firewall...they all work with the same software.. IPCHAINS ou IPTABLES ... and the only differences are the config panels. you gain nothing with 2 at home.. (perhaps in a large company with many networks) ... but you loose a lot of simplicity!

sorry for the bad French (I obviously need practice)

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