Free Freebox multiposte + Netgear WGT624 + VLC 0.8.4a

macOS specific usage questions
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Free Freebox multiposte + Netgear WGT624 + VLC 0.8.4a

Postby lvp » 24 Dec 2005 21:30

Can't get VLC working :

macosx debug: input has changed, refreshing interface
macosx debug: input has changed, refreshing interface
macosx debug: input has changed, refreshing interface
macosx debug: input has changed, refreshing interface
macosx debug: input has changed, refreshing interface
macosx debug: input has changed, refreshing interface
macosx debug: input has changed, refreshing interface
macosx debug: input has changed, refreshing interface
livedotcom error: PLAY failed No RTSP session is currently in progress

main warning: no access_demux module matching "rtsp" could be loaded
main debug: creating access 'rtsp' path=''
main debug: looking for access2 module: 4 candidates
access_file warning: No such file or directory
macosx debug: input has changed, refreshing interface
cdda warning: could not open
main warning: no access2 module matching "rtsp" could be loaded
main error: no suitable access module for `rtsp://'
main debug: thread 43280896 joined (src/input/input.c:386)
main debug: creating new input thread
main debug: waiting for thread completion
main debug: thread 43111936 (input) created at priority 37 (src/input/input.c:230)
main debug: `rtsp://' gives access `rtsp' demux `' path `'
main debug: creating demux: access='rtsp' demux='' path=''
main debug: looking for access_demux module: 1 candidate
livedotcom debug: sdp=v=0
o=leCDN 1135455781 1135455781 IN IP4
s=France 2
i=France 2
c=IN IP4
t=0 0
m=video 0 RTP/AVP 33

livedotcom debug: RTP subsession 'video/MP2T'
macosx debug: input has changed, refreshing interface


same problem

Postby anonym » 25 Dec 2005 00:25

"PLAY failed No RTSP session is currently in progress" is returned in the mac os x (10.3.9) crash log.

What can we do ?


Freebox streaming prob

Postby johnduff » 25 Dec 2005 01:32

Code: Select all

livedotcom: PLAY failed No RTSP session is currently in progresslivedotcom: TCP rollover failed, aborting
Mac OS 10.4.3
VLC 0.8.4 and 0.8.4A

Freebox is behind a Netgear router

Ping of " " works perfeclty...

What's the problem doc ?
Do I have to open some port in my router maybe ?

Thanx in advance for your work guys

JD :)


vlc behind router

Postby bofy » 25 Dec 2005 11:25

same problem here, My mac is behind a routeur I already opened the port 8080 UPD and TCP but still cannot receive any TV chanel from Free
all other file can be red without problem.

what did I do wrong

help :cry:

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Postby johnduff » 25 Dec 2005 13:15


:) :D :lol:


your problem

Postby teten » 25 Dec 2005 23:11

This is due the firewall inside your router.
Just to check if your freebox rtsp server send audio/video data to you
vlc client, you may temporaly use the "DMZ" function. This allow your router to open all ports only for your pc which run vlc.

Normaly, vlc will show your favorite program (F2, France 3....).

If this isn't the correct way you may use a network sniffer.

On the rstp frame you may search RTSP "Setup" command.
In the frame dissector of Ethereal, you will see "client port" range.

You must open this port range to allow VLC to show your program.
(In your configuration, video/audio data are seen by your router as data send by a host on internet).

You must note that, We "FREE" configuration the RTSP "client port" range change when you swap between to program.

In my config this works well.

Tell me if this solution is ok, i will help you again if necessary.


- - - - - - - -


Postby teten » 25 Dec 2005 23:17

Please note an additional thing :

Freebox channel viewing isn't the same config as FREEPLAYER config :

Freebox channel : RTSP exchange between VLC and your FREEBOX

Freeplayer config : this is a streaming solution with a streaming solution without RTSP dialog (this is some HTTP come which VLC interpret with buit-in web interface)

So in the case of freeplayer you must open :
8080 to allow freebox to send order (play pause ..) to your VLC client in HTTP mode
1234 to allow your freebox to receive data

In the Freebox channel case :
8080 and 1234 isn't required
you must open the "client port" range (as described in the last post)

Tell me if there is any problems....




Postby bofy » 26 Dec 2005 10:34

thank you, it is now working.
I used dmz to start with, received the signal and then adjusted the ports opening. 8080 and 1234.
Just a little detail, the image is showing a small decalage in the lines everytime there is a movement on the screen. is that possible to adjust that.

thanks again

merry christmas and happy new year to everybody.



talked a bit too fast

Postby bofy » 26 Dec 2005 10:55

In fact after I turned off the dmz a small problem appeared.
when I change chanel the window close and a error message appear saying

in progress
livedotcom: TCP rollover failed, aborting

the port 8080 is open udp and tcp
the port 1234 is open udp and tcp
the port 1230 is open udp and tcp
the port 1232 is open udp and tcp


Postby teten » 26 Dec 2005 11:52

It is normal... if you turn off your DMZ function on your router, the RTSP ports pour A/V datas (data from FREEBOX to your VLC client) are closed.

In the Channel freebox case (as I have already explain you in the last post) don't use 1234 fixed port to receive data.

Before receiving A/V data, VLC send to the Built-in Freebox RTSP server the port number range on which the channel must be send by our triplay modem.

These port may be different between two lunching of vlc, between two channel change (by playlist selection).

If you want to have a more simple solution, download the customized VLC version in this website : ...
This customized version of VLC force the FREEBOX to always send A/V datas on 31336 & 31337 UDP port.

So :
- download the customized VLC
- open 31336 & 31337 UDP port on your router

And after your FREEBOX Channels will works well on all your pc which are connected to your network.

Tell me if there is another problem

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Postby lvp » 26 Dec 2005 13:40

If you want to have a more simple solution, download the customized VLC version in this website : ...
This customized version of VLC force the FREEBOX to always send A/V datas on 31336 & 31337 UDP port.

So :
- download the customized VLC
- open 31336 & 31337 UDP port on your router
Well, Macintosh users need some help too :o) Heeelp :o)

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Postby johnduff » 26 Dec 2005 14:00

Hi all,

ok, things are going forward, but not perfectly yet !

-> teten, after following all your advices, I first tried to enable DmZ
Works like a charm

After that I closed DmZ, then opened ports 31336 & 31337 : not working
Opened ports 8080 & 1234 : not working

So RTSP might be the problem, but I can't find any settings on my WRT54G setup panel for that... Or is it in VLC ?

What are the differences between the "normal" and the "crazy" version of vlc ? :?:
Coz we might need to customize our Mac version, or maybe there's a mac-crazy version ? :)

Thanx for your help

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Postby lvp » 26 Dec 2005 14:44

It would be great if VLC could support uPnP.
Using uPnP protocol VLC could setup the routers to open the required ports when needed, and only the required ports.

An option to manualy set those required ports would be great too.


Postby teten » 26 Dec 2005 20:04

CRAZY version of VLC :
VLC send to the RTSP server always the same couple of port 31336 et 31337

Nomal version of VLC :
VLC send to the RTSP server a dynamic couple of port (RTP & RTCP port)
they always change between two lunch of VLC and when change program in the playlist
(not compatible with simple router (does'nt interpret RTSP protocol frames)


For mac users : the cray version has a mofied livemedia library.
So If you want a vlc for mac which the correction you must recompile VLC with the modification in the section which generate the dynamic range of client_port section for the RTSP server.


Postby Windar » 27 Dec 2005 03:54

It would be great if VLC could support uPnP.
Using uPnP protocol VLC could setup the routers to open the required ports when needed, and only the required ports.
I could not agree more :)

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Postby johnduff » 27 Dec 2005 12:38

Thank you very much for all these infos teten

But I don't have programming / compiling skills

Anyone interested in getting the sources and compiling a "VLC crazy-mac version" ?? (or an upnp version ?) - and getting all the mac users' appreciation ?

Thanks all for your help


vlc crazy pour mac osx

Postby louis2 » 29 Dec 2005 21:50

ici la version MAC OSX de VLC crazy:

pour ca marche maintenant alors que j'avais le meme pb


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Postby johnduff » 29 Dec 2005 23:39

Great !!!!!!
It works perfectly!
:D :D :D

Louis, t'es au top !

Thanx all for your cooperation...
Let's spread the crazy in the mac-community

And Happy New Year's eve !



Postby Buggie » 31 Dec 2005 01:32

Je viens de télécharger les 800 méga d'outils développeurs sur le site apple, installé, ensuite j'ai tenté de compiler VLC avec les modifications donnés dans le .diff de crazy (une heure entière pour vérifier les librairies), et au final la compilation a échoué :x

Je suis sur le point de pleurer, tellement ça me gave, je n'ai aucune idée du pourquoi ça ne marche pas, j'ai suivi le tuto de compilation VLC à la lettre, et que dalle...

Donc un grand merci pour cette version pour mac!!!! Je m'en vais l'essayer tout de suite!


How can we do that ???

Postby bofy » 02 Jan 2006 12:02

For mac users : the cray version has a mofied livemedia library.
So If you want a vlc for mac which the correction you must recompile VLC with the modification in the section which generate the dynamic range of client_port section for the RTSP server.[/quote]

Yes good.... How can I recompile VLC
Do you know where I can find an already modified and recompiled version of VLC.

Merci Louis

Postby Merci Louis » 02 Jan 2006 12:10

ça marche

merci beaucoup Louis.


Re: vlc crazy pour mac osx

Postby MacMoins » 02 Jan 2006 17:23

ici la version MAC OSX de VLC crazy:
pour ca marche maintenant alors que j'avais le meme pb
Merci pour cette version et pour le soutien aux macusers.

Mais ça ne marche toujours pas chez moi... Configuration :
Freebox4 à jour
Routeur NetGear RP614 v2
iMac G5 sous Panther 10.3.9, ports 8080 et 554 ouverts dans le firewall osx comme je l'ai lu quelque part.

J'obtiens la playlist avec mais aucune image n'est affichée et je lis les messages :

Code: Select all

livedotcom: TCP rollover failed, aborting livedotcom: PLAY failed No RTSP session is currently in progress livedotcom: TCP rollover failed, aborting livedotcom: PLAY failed No RTSP session is currently in progress
Est-ce que ça bloque au niveau du routeur (de base) ? Au niveau du Mac ?

Merci beaucoup de faire un tuto sur "comment configurer tout ce schbintz pour que ça marche chez moi aussi"...

Et tous mes voeux d'année sans bug pour vous tous!

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Postby johnduff » 02 Jan 2006 20:30

Bon il y a aussi une autre solution qui marche tres bien chez moi :D (pour les utilisateurs de G3 ou G5 par exemple qui ne peuvent utiliser la version VLC-Crazy ou ceux qui veulent garder la version d'origine): c'est de rerouter le port 554 vers tous les autres ports.

Sur le routeur, via l'interface web, il faut declencher l'ouverture du firewall quand le player fait une requete RTSP (port 554).
Image jointe: la config sur un routeur Linksys (vue sur les forums macbidouille), mais ca doit detre sensiblement pareil pour les autres marques... :) ... st&id=5978

Dites moi si c ok pour vous 8)



Re: vlc crazy pour mac osx

Postby Guest » 03 Jan 2006 19:56

Youpi ça marche sur mon iMac G5:
version MAC OSX de VLC crazy:

J'utilise un Routeur NetGear RP614 v2, avec dans la page Port forwarding quatre "services", tous apparamment nécessaires :

Code: Select all

# Service Name Start Port End Port Server IP Address 1 8080 8080 8080 2 1234 1234 1235 3 554 554 554 4 313367 31336 31337
Aucune ouverture spéciale dans le firewall intégré mac os.

Certaines chaines font planter VLC, d'autres marchent mal, mais en général l'image et le son sont excellents.

Bonne chance à vous tous!



Postby Georgio_Moroder » 18 Jan 2006 13:40

Par erreur, j'ai créé un nouveau "topic". Pardon donc pour les doublons.

Je voulais dire ceci.

Si je connecte mon Mac directement sur la Freebox, j'obtiens le service freeboxTV sans problèmes ; en revanche derrière mon routeur Netgear WGT624:
- un PC en WIFI reçoit sans problèmes le service TV !!!
- un Mac, soit en WIFI soit par Ethernet, ne reçoit pas le service (mais seulement la "playlist").

Quelqu'un a une idée...?


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