HI, did you eventually managed to bookmark? I'm also puzzled.
I found this
http://wiki.videolan.org/Documentation: ... interfaces
% vlc --key-<function> <code>
Code is composed by modifiers keys (Alt, Shift, Ctrl, Meta,Command) separated by a dash (-) and terminated by a key (a...z, +, =, -, ',', +, <, >, `, /, ;, ', \, [, ], *, Left, Right, Up, Down, Space, Enter, F1...F12, Home, End, Menu, Esc, Page Up, Page Down, Tab, Backspace, Mouse Wheel Up and Mouse Wheel Down). Main controls are available from hotkeys, such as : fullscreen, play-pause, faster, slower, next, prev, stop, quit, vol-up, etc. (use the --longhelp option for full list of functions).
For example, for binding fullscreen to Ctrl-f, run:
% vlc --key-fullscreen 'Ctrl-f'