I watch a lot of subtitles movies (primarily all I watch) and thought of a feature that I definitely would like and I would think other would as well. Frequently when watching a subtitled movie the subtitles come a bit too quick or simply I am busy looking at the video image and miss a subtitle. It would be really neat to be able to pause the movie and then step the movie forward or back (staying paused) coinciding with the time that a subtitle is newly displayed. This way I could step back a subtitle or two and then forward again so I could get back in sync with the subtitle story line (of course the subtitle would have to be displayed while paused), then press play again and go back to watching the movie at normal speed with subtitles. I find that I usually only get behind in reading the subtitles a couple times per movie, depending on the movie of course.
The subtitle files have times in them of when they are to be displayed.
Controls could only be displayed when there are subtitles for the video being played.
Would be like indexing through the video with non fixed (subtitle determined) time jumps.
I don't know how feasible this would be but it would be awesome for sure.