But the .mov file I'm getting is pretty messed up: the movie is jumping (as if I'm rapidly feeding forward & backward), disturbed image, sound is chunky. I can see flashes or short parts of the correct content, but it's totally unwatchable. As if I'm streaming at a way too low bitrate or something.
Here's what I do:
- Open Network Stream (Ctrl+N)
- Copy/paste the rtsp link above
- Click the small dropdown menu (next to Play) and choose Stream (Alt+S)
- (source is already specified, click Next
- File, Add, and then I fill in C:\test.mov or something
- Optionally, I disable the 'Activate transcoding' option (it doesn't seem to make a difference for this problem), when enabled I leave it at the default profile, Video H.264 + AAC
- Next, and Stream
It now starts streaming, the .mov file is growing. But when done, the resulting file shows the problems described above.
Am I doing anything wrong?