(29) New VLC Icons
- Updated 07/02/08
- Improved Icon Quality
- Improved Icon Colors
- Added MU3... media type color
vlc_fan-01 gave CloudStalker the great idea to redo the vlc icons with a document style for file types. Minus the actual document style, CloudStalker did manage to come up with something that he hopes will finally be the replacement to this:
CloudStalker took an already existing VLC icon, modified it a bit and added text. His first design was this one:
the basic idea here is that the color will describe the media type (
green: audio,
blue: video,
Yellow: DVDs, ect) and the text will describe the file type (MP3, DVIX, ect). Eventually this led to a more simplistic look that's not all too flashy but still looks pretty good, and most importantly it serves purpose of informing the user of the file type and also to replace "ughah"
Here are the most recent ones that CloudStalker modified and added to:
(Click to enlarge) - Updated
Tell CloudStalker what user thinks and hopefully we'll be able to get a new icon by next release or the release after next.