Request for a more user friendly interface

Feature requests for VLC.

Request for a more user friendly interface

Postby Guest » 16 Sep 2004 01:48

Please, please, I really LOVE :D VLC, and have been using this soft since release 6.0.

But please, do me a favor: could you design a new interface for Windows, including a real right-click menu with useful (indispensable?) commands such as "play", "stop"," ffwd", without having to shift back to the contol panel (alt-tab!!! :roll: ).
And wouldn't it be nice to have a "play from last viewed point" feature, as do most of other software players?

This is VLC 8.0, and only minor improvements have occured in the interface since release 6.0.
I understand you guys have been kind of busy these past years, developing my favourite soft, but ,honestly, this interface sucks :evil:

Hope you won't find anger of any kind in my post, but only disappointment to see such a good product being spoilt by a minor (and yet irritating) drawback. :wink:

Best regards to the team!

Big Cone-huna
Big Cone-huna
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Postby Gibalou » 16 Sep 2004 11:49

The problem here is that most of the developers of VLC find GUI work very boring... and because they work on it on their free time, they usually work on what they like. Sad but true.

Now if you have suggestions on features that you think would make the player more useable, it can certainly help us realize what's missing and if it isn't too much work then it will probably be added.

For instance the player controls in the right-click menu shouldn't be difficult to add.


Postby Guest » 17 Sep 2004 00:51

Thanks for reply!
I'm not in the computer business, but I think many users would like an interface inspired by the other available players on the market, e.g.Win DVD6, Sonic Cineplayer 1.5, PowerDVD... with the overall quality of VLC, of course!
Being able to drive VLC with the mouse ONLY would be a great feature, that's why a convenient and exhaustive right-click menu would be welcome! :wink:

Cone that earned his stripes
Cone that earned his stripes
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Postby Dandruff » 17 Sep 2004 17:50

@Gibalou: please check these threads:


windows xp prof. sp2
vlc 0.8.0 with wxwindows [nightly build 16-09-2004]

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