Saving .AVI movie with subtitles failure

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Saving .AVI movie with subtitles failure

Postby crotof » 04 Jan 2007 23:27


Thanks to help me:

I'm using VLC 0.8.6 on windows 2000.

What i want to do:

Join my .AVI file and my .SRT file in one single .AVI (or other format if needed) file.

Can anyone explain me how I have to do this. Be as complete as possible, I'm a big newbie (btw. it's my brother who's writing this message for me because I don't know how to explain the problem :lol: ) in such web activities.

Thanks in advance & happy New Year!!!!


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Postby my_1998 » 05 Jan 2007 03:24

check subtitles overlay

Cone that earned his stripes
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Postby Tappen » 05 Jan 2007 07:00

Open VLC. Menu File/Open file... Browse to your video file. Check Use a subtitles file, Browse to your subtitle file.

Check Stream/Save. Click Settings...

Check File, Browse to the directory you want to save the new file in and type in the new file name.

Encapsulation Method = MP4
Check Video codec: pick mp4v. Pick a sensible Bitrate. 1024 is usually ok, but double it for high quality or high resolution.

Check Audio codec: pick mp4a. 128 or 192 kb/s is fine.

Check Subtitles overlay.

hit OK

hit OK again

Your transcode will run.

There are lots of other options in choosing your output file but if you want to watch it in Vlc or Quicktime MP4 is a good choice. ASF encapsulation with WMV3 video codec and mp3 audio codec is good if you're only going to view on Windows machines.

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Postby DJ » 05 Jan 2007 09:12

Hmm! You could use a program to remux the file and just add the subtitle. Something like AVIMux_GUI will do this, however an AVI file that contains subtitles is not standard. So some players may not play these files. Probably better is MKV (Matroska) or OGM. MP4 does support SRT subs but the support is relatively new to this container and again all players may not support it. The method suggested here burns the sub into the picture while you transcode the file into another format and really this is an unnecessary step and serves to reduce the quality. Also considering you are transcoding from AVI probably some form of MPEG4 to MP4 using a MP4v with MP4a for audio you will probably need the command fps=<framerate> for it to work as it was described earlier.

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