I would like to run vlc in the background and should start at the startup of the pc (the pc has no monitor and is oly controlled by ssh).
vlc streams out 8 radiostations from a DVB-C Card, the command runs propper when I open a termial, do a ssh and start the vlc with command line.
When I close the ssh connection, vlc shut down ;-(
I tried the following:
vlc -vvv --ts-es-id-pid --programs=28423,28432,28434,28437,28440,28450,28456,28475 dvb: --dvb-frequency=113000000 --dvb-srate=6900000 --dvb-modulation=64 --sout-standard-access=http --sout-standard-mux=raw --sout '#duplicate{dst=std{url=:8062},select="program=28423",dst=std{url=:8063},select="program=28432",dst=std{url=:8064},select="program=28434",dst=std{url=:8065},select="program=28437",dst=std{url=:8066},select="program=28440",dst=std{url=:8067},select="program=28450",dst=std{url=:8068},select="program=28456",dst=std{url=:8069},select="program=28475"}' > /dev/null 2>&1 &
> /dev/null 2>&1 -> should send the output to trash
& -> runs in the backgrount
vlc stops after a few seconds when I try this command line.
when I send the string WITHOUT > /dev/null 2>&1 & it runs propper .... but why ?