successive config files - how to?

Discussion about configuration and usage of VLM (a stream scheduler) within VLC.
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successive config files - how to?

Postby cat6man » 17 Nov 2006 16:13

I've run a simple config file successfully as follows:

config file 'v1.txt'

new tuner1 broadcast enabled
setup tuner1 input "c://my music//track303.wav"
control tuner1 play

the command line (run from a batch file)

vlc --vlm-conf v1.txt -I telnet

plays the file303.wav

what i would like to do is use a 2nd config file (or some batch alternative)
to then stop the file playback

i created a config file 'v1stop.txt' containing the single command line

control tuner1 stop

and then ran the command line

vlc --vlm-conf v1stop.txt -I telnet

but that doesn't seem to do anything.

Is there a method to stop and restart the playback with other batch
calls to the telnet interface, but without having to open a telnet window explicitly?

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Postby dionoea » 19 Nov 2006 18:26

Since you seem to be runing VLC on windows you could try using the --one-instance option on you two command lines. The second VLC call would thus be executed in the same VLC instance as the first one.
Antoine Cellerier
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Postby cat6man » 20 Nov 2006 22:20

Since you seem to be runing VLC on windows you could try using the --one-instance option on you two command lines. The second VLC call would thus be executed in the same VLC instance as the first one.
thanks....i had tried that (should have stated that originally) with no success.
actually, i didn't use it on the command line but had the one instance only setting in preference, which i assume is the same.

however, i found a telnet scripting tool that works nicely to automate the VLM commands via telnet (


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