Impossible to stream audio from line in into WMP?

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Impossible to stream audio from line in into WMP?

Postby tommer » 01 Oct 2006 00:08

Ref viewtopic.php?p=82577#82577

Anybody had any success streaming from a line in and further into Windows Media Player? I'm trying this sout code:
but this is only working from e.g. a mp3 file, when using a live source I'm getting a C00D0BB8 error in WMC.

Actually, I'm trying to stream into a multi zone audio distribution application, "back-end" being J Rivers Media Center, but I am quite certain that if I can read the stream with WMC, I can do it with JRMC also...

I'm trying to use a standard Hauppauge Wintv FM Radio PCI card to stream from, and is rouing through Line-in on my soundcard.

Help would be appriciated, this is killing me...


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