Snapshot from command line problem - no image and / or crash

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New Cone
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Snapshot from command line problem - no image and / or crash

Postby spline » 26 Sep 2006 11:53

Hi out there,

for my own pleasure i wrote a litte Perl script which (should) make snapshots from my videofiles.
For making these snapshots i'm using the command like it's described in

Code: Select all

`C:\Programme\VideoLan\VLC\VLC.exe -V image --start-time xxx --stop-time yyy --image-out-format jpg --image-out-ratio 50 -image-out-prefix "filename-NumberOfSnapshot-" "here is the video name.avi" vlc:quit`
Start- and stop time are calculated out of the length of the video.
I call this command about 50 times per video.
Each time VLC comes up, makes an snapshot, save it and quits - perfect!

The problem is: For some videos - which are perfeclty played by VLC when i open them normally - no snapshot is taken.
On some others, VLC comes up with an error message in ntdll.dll

Do somebody has an tipp where i can look for an solution?



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