Replacing an input

Discussion about configuration and usage of VLM (a stream scheduler) within VLC.

Replacing an input

Postby davidb » 19 Jun 2006 10:48


I'm making a php script to control VLM.

For now, it can make the entries on VLM for every movie in a directory. The problem is that when I refresh the page, the script adds an input to the entries that already exist with the "setup name input file" command. After a while this makes a huge list of inputs (all the same) for every entry.

Os there a way to solve it, or will I have to parse all the "show" result ? Something like an "update" or "replace" command would be nice, it's quite slow to remove and create an entry from scratch.




use del command

Postby fredoche » 21 Jun 2006 13:07


You can use the "del" command to delete an input.
If you have only one input each time, you can use "del all" to delete all inputs before adding a new one.



Postby fredoche » 21 Jun 2006 16:54

not, it's exactly :

Code: Select all

setup [stream] inputdel all

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