.RMVB support?

Feature requests for VLC.

.RMVB support?

Postby hageir » 15 Jun 2006 23:13

with the .rmvb format widely gaining popularity is it possible to have rmvb support in VLC?

Cone that earned his stripes
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Postby zorglub » 15 Jun 2006 23:23


Please read the dozens of previous posts that explain why it isn't possible.
Clément Stenac


Postby Guest » 16 Jun 2006 19:56

Well, it's not completely impossible, but it would take a helluva lot of work.

It could possibly be done if someone was really motivated and had a few months of free time.


Postby Guest » 16 Jun 2006 23:19

And be sure that some Real Agents won't backstab the developer =)
Universal donate project for realvideo/audio and windows media decoders would be nice.


Postby Guest » 17 Jun 2006 01:10

Actually, some money was raised for development of a Windows Media Video decoder.
http://wiki.multimedia.cx/index.php?tit ... er_Of_Code

As for RealVideo, it's not so much an issue of raising money as finding qualified developers who have both the skills and the time necessary to take on a complex project like that. If all it took was $5000 to pay someone to work on RealVideo compatibility then the money could probably be raised. But it's not that simple.

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Postby dionoea » 17 Jun 2006 01:11

specs for WMV3 / VC1 are available on the web for free (at least for draft versions).

specs for real video aren't ...
Antoine Cellerier
(Please do not use private messages for support questions)


Postby Guest » 18 Jun 2006 01:07


Actually, the VC1 specs are rather incomplete, but some of it has been figured out now. See http://codecs.multimedia.cx/ for progress reports.

It's taken a long time to get that far with Windows Media, and there's even less info available on RealVideo.

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