VLS - MPEG Streaming - sound only ?

Discussion on the (deprecated) VideoLAN Server application as well as the miniSAPserver stream announcer. This is not about VLC!
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VLS - MPEG Streaming - sound only ?

Postby Chrono » 06 Jun 2006 18:03

Hello, i am trying to stream different files with VLS 0.5.6 runnning on a SuSe Linux 9.2 machine with all libraries installed.
Everything is going fine for DVD Streaming, but when i try to stream an MPEG file, only sound is being streamed, no video. If i try to view the same file on the client PC, it plays both sound and video, so i think that's not a codec problem... is there something i should configurate in the cfg for it to stream video too?

current config for the video file is:

Code: Select all

BEGIN "1" Name = "mpeg2" FileName = "/home/videolan/streams/test.mpg" Type = "Mpeg2-PS" END


Postby Chrono » 06 Jun 2006 18:38

Uhm... have to add that it starts to stream video only after it has played the stream once - or if i first connect to the server and then start streaming

using VLC 0.8.5 as client btw <.<

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