Better pause/play buttons/hotkeys + Real media support

Feature requests for VLC.

Better pause/play buttons/hotkeys + Real media support

Postby Vampire » 10 Jan 2006 20:02

VLC is the only media player where screen stops after some time after pressing pause. When I click pause, screen stops after about 0.5s. In other players it seems to be instant...

And can you please try to make real media support :)? Real player loads so long.... I know there is that Real Alternative that plays RMs but I would like to have one player that plays all... but urrently I got 2 players: Real Player and VLC Media Player... If VLC supported real media files, then I could just use one player and everything would be much much easier.



Postby Guest » 16 May 2006 20:51

I add myself to this feature request it´s really anonyg that when you hit pause (by click or by space) the video don´t pause inmediatly, take a little time to pause.

Thanks for your great job.

New Cone
New Cone
Posts: 9
Joined: 03 Mar 2006 15:39

Postby KevinP » 17 May 2006 09:53

It's sure that a better timing system would be great.

You can reduce a little the time of a pause by reducing the cache in the seting. But it's not immediatly.


Postby Guest » 17 May 2006 13:12

Timing IIRC "problems" are caused by that VLC ain't build with same ways other Media Players (frame based), it uses time (better for streaming).
If you want real media support, please contact to Real and tell them to release open source decoder compatible with LGPL or GPL (or code one which works).

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