Multicast streaming VLC > Quicktime Player

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Multicast streaming VLC > Quicktime Player

Postby Gooze » 10 May 2006 18:49

Hello !
I want to stream live video from VLC to Quicktime Player throught LAN in multicast.
The basic UDP multicast configuration only works with VLC client.
How can I do to make Quicktime Player able to read the stream ?


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Re: Multicast streaming VLC > Quicktime Player

Postby erpl08 » 11 May 2006 10:52

Hello !
I want to stream live video from VLC to Quicktime Player throught LAN in multicast.
The basic UDP multicast configuration only works with VLC client.
How can I do to make Quicktime Player able to read the stream ?

QuickTime player does not support the use of the MPEG Transport Stream (MPEG-TS) which is what VLC uses, but does support MPEG Program Streams (MPEG PS) but VLC does not use this for Multicast over UDP/RTP. To quote the Apple docs:

"Playback of transport streams, which combine audio and video with independent time bases, is not supported."


There may be 3rd party plugins for QT that provide MPEG TS support but we don't know of them. If I find any solution I'll lpost to the forum.

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Postby geo » 12 May 2006 07:13

With VLC you could use MPEG4 in an MPEG-2 TS on udp.

If you have a Mac just use QT Broadcaster (free).


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Postby erpl08 » 12 May 2006 08:00

With VLC you could use MPEG4 in an MPEG-2 TS on udp.

If you have a Mac just use QT Broadcaster (free).

So the short answer to the member's question is you can't use QT player to view multicast streams originated from VLC.

This is a pity as it is not unreasonable to want to use a non-VLC client to watch a multicast originating from VLC. IT deptartments are often reluctant to install VLC as a client on managed desktops but they will often install QT player as a standard component.

In our instution we have WM, Helix and QT players installed by default in and XP managed desktop and would really like to have used VLC to multicast MPEG4 over the intranet for the QT and Helix players to play. This would have provided a "cheap and cheerful" capability for scaling multicast streams using standard PC component encoders.

Using QT broadcaster is not really the issue here -though of course it will work: as would using RealPlayer with a Helix Server and WM player with WMS9 on 2003 Enterprise Server.!

Could anyone from the VLC developers explain why there is no support for multicast using the MPEG Programme Stream?
phone: + 44 (0) 131 650 6915
Information Tools, EUCS, Main Library, George Sq.
Edinburgh EH8 9LJ, Scotland

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what about a MPEG2-TS component for QuickTime ?

Postby zipaton » 27 May 2006 19:20

what about a MPEG2-TS component for QuickTime ? could this be a good solution ?

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Postby compufix » 05 Jun 2006 17:23

I have used this to do a UDP MPEG2 stream to MP4 relay

/Applications/ udp://@ --sout '#transcode {vcodec="mp4v",vb="1024",scale="1",acodec="mp4a",ab="192",channels="2",deinterlace}:duplicate{dst=rtp{dst="",ttl=15,port=7070,name=TEST,sdp=sap,sdp="file:///Users/test/Desktop/gerda.sdp"},dst=standard{mux=mp4,url=/Users/test/Desktop/test.mp4,access=file}}'

All one line of course.....

This saves the sdp file which can then be put on a QTSS server or opened in Quicktime a Mpeg 4 stream on the multcast network, and saves a local mp4 movie.


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