.srt files in VLC 0.8.5 don't seem to work properly anymore

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Rom Raptor
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.srt files in VLC 0.8.5 don't seem to work properly anymore

Postby Rom Raptor » 07 May 2006 14:05

anyone else have this problem?



Postby Adde » 07 May 2006 20:24

I'm also having this problem. I'm using version 0.8.4 until this is fixed.

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Postby DJ » 07 May 2006 20:44

Which SVN version of 0.8.5? The subs package has gone through many changes and is considered complete at this point.

http://downloads.videolan.org/pub/video ... 8.5-test4/

If you still have problem here, you are going to be much more specific as to the nature of the problem.

Rom Raptor
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Postby Rom Raptor » 07 May 2006 21:55

i downloaded vlc-0.8.5-win32.exe from videolan.org front page.
i assumed it was final. am i wrong?

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Postby DJ » 07 May 2006 22:18

I realized this just a few moments ago. It was expected to be last weekend but was delayed. :oops:

Still, you need to be much more specific about your problem.


Postby PEPEPEMAMARI » 07 May 2006 23:19

When i open a video with a *.str file, the subs are displayed only some times.
Not all the subtitles(words) are painted into the film.

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Postby Rom Raptor » 08 May 2006 09:46

yep that about sums it up


Postby e126 » 08 May 2006 12:55

I have the same problem. Each time an accentuated character as "é", "à", "ô"... is in the sentence, it is not displayed. :(
C U.


accent in subtitles

Postby themask » 08 May 2006 18:27

>>I have the same problem. Each time an accentuated character as "é", "à", >>"ô"... is in the sentence, it is not displayed. Sad
>>C U.

i have the same problem too..

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Postby dacascos » 08 May 2006 19:31


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Postby DJ » 09 May 2006 02:18

You will probably need to change the text encoding method for your region. It is in the Advanced section in the menu where you chose the external subs. It also can be found in Preferences, Input / Codecs, Other codecs under "Subtitles text encoding" don't forger to press Save and close the player.


Lecture des srt et des ssa par VLC 0.8.5

Postby DarkDevil92 » 09 May 2006 21:22

Je ne pense pas qu'il s'agisse d'un quelconque problème d'encodage du fichier sous titre, ou du fait de le définir dans les reglages de vlc.
Je suis sous windows xp SP2, avec AMD 3000+, et 1024 de ram.
J'utilisais précedement VLC 0.8.4a, avec lequel, en laissant les réglages par défaut, je n'ai jamais eu de soucis de lecture de sous titre avec des divx.
Hors, en passant à la nouvelle version, sans rien changer de ma configuration matériel, la lecture est devenu plus qu'aléatoire. VLC, en laissant les mêmes paramètres par défaut que la version précédente, ne lit plus qu'une ligne de sous-titre sur 6, voire moins.
J'ai encore d'installé la 0.8.4a, et lorsque je l'utilise, les sous titres (en srt ou ssa) sont lus correctement.
Je pencherais donc pour ma part quand même pour un problème logiciel interne à la nouvelle version.
Maintenant, je ne suis pas programmateur, et l'erreur est humaine.

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Postby dacascos » 09 May 2006 21:23

You will probably need to change the text encoding method for your region. It is in the Advanced section in the menu where you chose the external subs. It also can be found in Preferences, Input / Codecs, Other codecs under "Subtitles text encoding" don't forger to press Save and close the player.
Thanks, works fine now :) (ISO-8859-1 is the right one for Swedes btw :p)


Postby OlivierTheBest » 09 May 2006 23:40

Yes that's it :

I got the same sub-titles display problem (some where not displayed) and with the appropriate setting it worked :

Finally I found that the ISO description is in english too here :

ISO-8859-1 characters set also called Latin 1 allows to represent most of europeen languages.
Amongs them we can found :
albanian, germain, english, catalan, danish, spanish, finnish, french, galicien, irish, icelandic, italian, dutch, norwegian, portuguese and Swedish.

In french :
Le jeu de caractère ISO-8859-1, souvent appelé tout simplement Latin 1, permet de représenter la plupart des langues de l'Europe occidentale. Parmi celles-ci, on retrouve l'albanais, l'allemand, l'anglais, le catalan, le danois, l'espagnol, le féroïen, le finnois, le français, le galicien, l'irlandais, l'islandais, l'italien, le néerlandais, le norvégien, le portugais et le suédois.


Postby aXe » 14 May 2006 17:37

this still doens't work for me. Before my update to 0.8.5 everything worked fine, but now the subs simply don't appear. VLC sees the subs, but they don't appear on the screen. has anyone a solution for this?

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Postby erwan » 14 May 2006 19:27

is there a way to save the ISO encryption because I've got to change the default encryption into this one for all the videos.


Subtitles not showed

Postby Guest » 18 May 2006 16:10

I have the same problem. srt subtitle shows only some parts on screen.
Changing encoding does not change. Even subtitles without any accents are not shown. Does not work in 0.8.4a and 0.8.5


Postby Guest » 18 May 2006 22:42

You will probably need to change the text encoding method for your region. It is in the Advanced section in the menu where you chose the external subs. It also can be found in Preferences, Input / Codecs, Other codecs under "Subtitles text encoding" don't forger to press Save and close the player.
Thanks, works fine now :) (ISO-8859-1 is the right one for Swedes btw :p)
Work's fine for me as well. Also a Swede.

But it would be nice if this could be handled as in earlier versions where I had no problems at all with subtitles and didn't have to choose encoding. Let's say I use a subtitle with UTF-8 - do I manually have to change the encoding now?

Anyway... keep up the good work with VLC guys. It's without no dobut THE best mediaplayer out there! :D

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Postby doraimom » 19 May 2006 03:53

Hey friends.. I'm having a few problems with my subtitles.
1) Subtitles .SRT were not appearing... or written wrong. Solved that by changing the SUBTITLES TEXT ENCODING for VISCII.
2) The subtitle neds to be selected manually EVERYTIME I open VLC. I need to right click on the screen and select SUBTITLE TRACK. I wasn't able to fix this problem so far. Need help on it.
3) When I open VLC from windows MENU everything works if I select the subtitle manually. But If I open VLC by double clicking on a video file, the option SUBTITLE TRACK VANISHES, disappears completly.

I don't know how to fix problems 2) and 3). Can any of you guys help with that?

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