But does the audio PLAY normally?
Saving is something completely different. Please follow the "let's do one step at a time in a difficult proces"-method.
Try adding samplerate=44100 to your command line. I believe 48000 and 22050 are also valid sample frequencies on the command line. I'm not sure if this will solve all of the issues.I have the same problems with the AXIS cam.
Saving the stream with audio does not work.
I am using the latest nightly (Win 20060419 and MacIntel 20060415) and get the error message ...
[00000333] ffmpeg encoder error: MPEG audio doesn't support frequency=8000
[00000279] stream_out_transcode private error: cannot find encoder
[00000279] stream_out_transcode private error: cannot create audio chain
[00000309] main packetizer error: cannot create packetizer output (g726)
This is my MRL (but I have tried other configs too): :sout=#transcode{vcodec=mp1v,vb=1024,acodec=mp3,ab=192}:standard{mux=raw,dst=test.raw,access=file}
I have tried G723, G721 and G711 (ulaw).
All have similar error messages.
Is there any solution available?
Thanks for the hint!Try adding samplerate=44100 to your command line. I believe 48000 and 22050 are also valid sample frequencies on the command line. I'm not sure if this will solve all of the issues.
I have tried the 0504 developer build. It simply will not play the video stream (which contains both mjpeg and the h??? audio.)I have a Panasonic camera. MJPEG works perfectly but the 8KHz audio is not recognized by VLC, ffmpeg, or mplayer.
I was wondering if anyoen got it to work.
Code: Select all
vlc -vvv 'http://[valid_url]:5251/nphVideo?Mode=0&Resolution=320x240&Quality=Standard'
VLC media player 0.8.5-test4 Janus
[00000001] main vlc debug: opening config file /home/brian/.vlc/vlcrc
[00000001] main vlc warning: config file /home/brian/.vlc/vlcrc does not exist yet
[00000001] main vlc debug: checking builtin modules
[00000001] main vlc debug: checking plugin modules
[00000001] main vlc debug: loading plugins cache file /home/brian/.vlc/cache/plugins-04041e.dat
[00000001] main vlc warning: This doesn't look like a valid plugins cache
[00000001] main vlc debug: recursively browsing `modules'
[00000001] main vlc debug: recursively browsing `/usr/lib/vlc'
[00000001] main vlc warning: cannot load module `/usr/lib/vlc/codec/libquicktime_plugin.so' (/usr/lib/vlc/codec/libquicktime_plugin.so: undefined symbol: NewHandleClear)
[00000001] main vlc warning: cannot load module `/usr/lib/vlc/stream_out/libstream_out_switcher_plugin.so' (/usr/lib/vlc/stream_out/libstream_out_switcher_plugin.so: undefined symbol: avcodec_init)
[00000001] main vlc debug: recursively browsing `plugins'
[00000001] main vlc debug: module bank initialized, found 204 modules
[00000001] main vlc debug: opening config file /home/brian/.vlc/vlcrc
[00000001] main vlc warning: config file /home/brian/.vlc/vlcrc does not exist yet
[00000001] main vlc debug: CPU has capabilities 486 586 MMX MMXEXT SSE SSE2 FPU
[00000001] main vlc debug: looking for memcpy module: 3 candidates
[00000001] main vlc debug: using memcpy module "memcpymmxext"
[00000260] main playlist debug: waiting for thread completion
[00000260] main playlist debug: thread 3059018672 (playlist) created at priority 0 (playlist/playlist.c:184)
[00000261] main private debug: waiting for thread completion
[00000261] main private debug: thread 3050625968 (preparser) created at priority 0 (playlist/playlist.c:210)
[00000262] main interface debug: looking for interface module: 1 candidate
[00000262] main interface debug: using interface module "hotkeys"
[00000262] main interface debug: thread 3042233264 (interface) created at priority 0 (interface/interface.c:231)
[00000263] main interface debug: looking for interface module: 1 candidate
[00000263] main interface debug: using interface module "screensaver"
[00000263] main interface debug: thread 3033840560 (interface) created at priority 0 (interface/interface.c:231)
[00000260] main playlist debug: adding playlist item `http://valid_url:5251/nphVideo?Mode=0&Resolution=320x240&Quality=Standard' ( http://valid_url:5251/nphVideo?Mode=0&Resolution=320x240&Quality=Standard )
[00000264] main interface debug: looking for interface module: 2 candidates
Remote control interface initialized. Type `help' for help.
[00000264] main interface debug: using interface module "rc"
[00000264] main interface debug: thread 3025447856 (manager) created at priority 0 (interface/interface.c:216)
[00000260] main playlist debug: creating new input thread
[00000265] main input debug: waiting for thread completion
[00000265] main input debug: thread 3017055152 (input) created at priority 0 (input/input.c:261)
[00000265] main input debug: creating statistics handler
[00000265] main input debug: `http://valid_url:5251/nphVideo?Mode=0&Resolution=320x240&Quality=Standard' gives access `http' demux `' path `valid_url:5251/nphVideo?Mode=0&Resolution=320x240&Quality=Standard'
[00000265] main input debug: creating demux: access='http' demux='' path='valid_url:5251/nphVideo?Mode=0&Resolution=320x240&Quality=Standard'
[00000267] main demuxer debug: looking for access_demux module: 0 candidates
[00000267] main demuxer warning: no access_demux module matched "http"
[00000265] main input debug: creating access 'http' path='valid_url:5251/nphVideo?Mode=0&Resolution=320x240&Quality=Standard'
[00000268] main access debug: looking for access2 module: 5 candidates
[00000268] access_http access debug: http: server='valid_url' port=5251 file='/nphVideo?Mode=0&Resolution=320x240&Quality=Standard
[00000268] access_http access debug: user='user', pwd='password'
[00000268] main access debug: net: connecting to valid_url port 5251
status change: ( new input: http://valid_url:5251/nphVideo?Mode=0&Resolution=320x240&Quality=Standard )
status change: ( audio volume: 256 )
status change: ( play state: 1 )
[00000268] main access debug: connection in progress
[00000268] access_http access debug: protocol 'HTTP' answer code 200
[00000268] access_http access debug: Content-Type: multipart/x-mixed-replace;boundary=--myboundary
[00000268] main access debug: using access2 module "access_http"
[00000269] main private debug: pre-buffering...
[00000269] main private debug: received first data for our buffer
[00000269] main private debug: pre-buffering done 4353 bytes in 0s - 16 kbytes/s
[00000265] main input debug: creating demux: access='http' demux='' path='valid_url:5251/nphVideo?Mode=0&Resolution=320x240&Quality=Standard'
[00000270] main demuxer debug: looking for demux2 module: 39 candidates
[00000270] mjpeg demuxer debug: Multipart MIME detected, using separator: myboundary
[00000270] mjpeg demuxer warning: Content-type: audio/g726, image/jpeg is expected
[00000270] mjpeg demuxer debug: discard MIME header: Content-length: 2048
[00000270] ffmpeg demuxer debug: couldn't guess format
[00000270] ps demuxer warning: this does not look like an MPEG PS stream, continuing anyway
[00000270] main demuxer debug: using demux2 module "ps"
[00000265] main input debug: `http://valid_url:5251/nphVideo?Mode=0&Resolution=320x240&Quality=Standard' successfully opened
[00000270] ps demuxer warning: garbage at input, trying to resync...
signal 2 received, terminating vlc - do it again in case it gets stuck
status change: ( stop state: 0 )
status change: ( quit )
[00000001] main vlc debug: removing all interfaces
[00000264] main interface debug: thread 3025447856 joined (interface/interface.c:258)
[00000264] main interface debug: removing module "rc"
[00000263] main interface debug: thread 3033840560 joined (interface/interface.c:258)
[00000263] main interface debug: removing module "screensaver"
[00000262] main interface debug: thread 3042233264 joined (interface/interface.c:258)
[00000262] main interface debug: removing module "hotkeys"
[00000001] main vlc debug: removing playlist handler
[00000261] main private debug: thread 3050625968 joined (playlist/playlist.c:247)
[00000265] main input debug: control type=0
[00000265] main input debug: control: stopping input
[00000265] main input debug: closing input
[00000270] main demuxer debug: removing module "ps"
[00000268] main access debug: removing module "access_http"
[00000265] main input debug: thread 3017055152 joined (input/input.c:399)
[00000260] main playlist debug: thread 3059018672 joined (playlist/playlist.c:248)
[00000260] main playlist: stopping playback
[00000260] main playlist debug: deleting playlist item `http://valid_url:5251/nphVideo?Mode=0&Resolution=320x240&Quality=Standard'
[00000001] main vlc debug: removing all video outputs
[00000001] main vlc debug: removing all audio outputs
[00000001] main vlc debug: removing module "memcpymmxext"
[00000001] main vlc debug: saving plugins cache file /home/brian/.vlc/cache/plugins-04041e.dat
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