I'm using Windows XP SP1
Up to Feb 18 everything was fine, but if i try to launch any of the nightlies from Feb 20 onwards with -I skins2 VLC crashes instantly. This is the error log:
Code: Select all
skins2 debug: Unable to open the font C:\Documents and Settings\user\Application Data\vlc\skins\fonts\FreeSans.ttf
skins2 debug: Loading font c:\progra~1\videolan\vlc\skins\fonts\FreeSans.ttf
main warning: drive letter C: found in source
main debug: creating access '' path='C:\lp\cd_crash_0.2\background.png'
main debug: looking for access2 module: 5 candidates
vcd debug: trying .cue file: C:\lp\cd_crash_0.2\background.cue
access_file debug: opening file `C:\lp\cd_crash_0.2\background.png'
main debug: using access2 module "access_file"
main debug: pre buffering
main debug: received first data for our buffer
main debug: prebuffering done 65534 bytes in 0s - 60546 kbytes/s
I get the same errors with any skin i load, but if i switch back to a nightly from Feb 18 or before everything works.
This is on a VIA EPIA M6000 C3 system with WinXP SP1. If i try the latest builds on my Athlon XP 1900+ system with WinXP SP2 everything works. I'm downloading SP2 for the EPIA now to see if that fixes it.
I know the obvious answer is to use the athlon, but i'm supposed to be presenting this product tomorrow and it has to use small hardware. I need the latest build of VLC because it has new skins features that i'm using.
thanks hugely in advance,