I’ve followed the steps in the BUILD-win32.md to compile VLC on my Debian WSL setup, and while the build completed successfully, the executable (vlc.exe) is not running properly. Here’s what I did:
Steps Followed:
Installed Dependencies:
Installed all the necessary dependencies mentioned in the BUILD-win32.md.
Installed LLVM and MinGW w64: I installed the LLVM MinGW toolchain using the following commands:
wget https://github.com/mstorsjo/llvm-mingw/ ... _64.tar.xz
tar xvf llvm-mingw-20220906-msvcrt-ubuntu-18.04-x86_64.tar.xz -C /opt
echo 'export PATH=/opt/llvm-mingw-20220906-msvcrt-ubuntu-18.04-x86_64/bin:$PATH' > toolchain.sh
source toolchain.sh
Built VLC: I created a build directory, set the environment variables, and ran the build script as follows:
mkdir build
cd build
export VLC_CONTRIB_SHA="$(cd ../vlc; extras/ci/get-contrib-sha.sh win32)"
export VLC_PREBUILT_CONTRIBS_URL="https://artifacts.videolan.org/vlc/win6 ... HA.tar.bz2"
../vlc/extras/package/win32/build.sh -a x86_64 -p -D "\\wsl.localhost\Debian\home\anonymous\vlc"
Set Environment Variables:
I added libvlc.dll and libvlccore.dll to the PATH environment variable in Windows for the executable to find these libraries.
The compilation finishes successfully, but when I attempt to run vlc.exe from the build directory, I encounter issues:
The executable fails to launch.
There’s no clear error message, but it seems like the required libraries (libvlc.dll and libvlccore.dll) might not be loaded properly.
What I’ve Tried:
Ensured that the PATH in Windows includes the correct locations for libvlc.dll and libvlccore.dll.
Tried running vlc.exe from both WSL and Windows directly, but neither works. This happens when i try to run it from file manager
If anyone has experience with compiling VLC in this setup, I’d appreciate any suggestions on what might be going wrong or how to further troubleshoot the issue.
Thanks in advance for your help!