Frame by frame scrubbing.

Feature requests for VLC.

Frame by frame scrubbing.

Postby nfo » 23 Feb 2006 01:27

This is more of a linux request for the vlc media player.

Our Linux studio has been searching for a player, for awhile now, that plays back .mov's in pal format, frame by frame.

For example, you could just hit the left and right arrow keys to go forward and backward one frame at a time.
Or by just grabbing the timeline and scrubbing back and forth to have smooth playback.

Our animators would love it.

Is this even remotely possible?

The DJ
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Postby The DJ » 23 Feb 2006 13:02

Not in VLC any time soon. The VLC seek/play core has no notion of frames. only the display part knows what a frame is.
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Postby Guest » 01 Mar 2006 18:12

What is the smalest step vlc can do, in a video ? Is it working second per second or less ?

The DJ
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Postby The DJ » 01 Mar 2006 20:43

the smalles step would be the amount that is buffered (300ms for files). but in reality due to synchronization and indexing, it's usually closer to 1-3 secs.
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