I'm sure this has been beat to death and I've found numerous solutions here but none have worked for me.
let me go through what all I have done so far. I did install the AACS patch and this is no longer an issue but the menus are another critter altogether.
I've installed Oracle Java JRE 8-351, Bellsoft Java JDK 8-352+8 as well as JDK 19.0.1+11 with no success.
I have set the env variables to the root install [INSTALL_DIR] (default install dir) in every imaginable way.
JAVA_HOME= [INSTALL_DIR] with no trailing "\" as well as with.
JRE_HOME= [INSTALL_DIR] with and without trailing "\"
JRE_HOME= [INSTALL_DIR]\bin with and without trailing "\"
I have set the env variables via the GUI as well as via the registry and even via command line. I can type "set" and the changes appear to be immediate. I can type "java -version" and I get a response with the correct version so I know Java is working and installed properly.
VLC will play the Blu Ray movie without an issue but I did run into one problem. Battleship for some reason defaults the stream to audio commentary with no way to select a different stream. I'm sure it is cool for some but I'd rather not be interrupted by a clean-shaven director explaining how something was done. With the menu I can choose what stream to play.
In every case I get the error Java not found.
I'm sure I am doing something stupid on my part or something I am missing. I'm sure it's something simple, right?
For years I've used PowerDVD but their most recent offering phones home too much and fails to install a local service it seemingly needs to connect to. I will say VLC video playing Blu Rays is smoother than PDVD.
What am I missing? I'm sure it is something simple.