lua debug: Couldn't parse and execute YouTube video

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Big Cone-huna
Big Cone-huna
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lua debug: Couldn't parse and execute YouTube video

Postby Hitchhiker » 12 Sep 2022 19:13

Pesistent pixelated playback and stuttering when streaming youtube videos such as this one:

This seems to be the main issue:

Code: Select all

lua warning: Couldn't parse unidentified YouTube video throttling parameter transformation lua debug: Couldn't parse and execute YouTube video throttling parameter descrambling rules lua error: Couldn't descramble YouTube throttling URL parameter: data transfer will get throttled

The rest of the log is here:

I replaced youtube.luac file with the current version which is intended to resolve this issue earlier today, but it doesn't appear to help.

Rémi Denis-Courmont
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Re: lua debug: Couldn't parse and execute YouTube video

Postby Rémi Denis-Courmont » 12 Sep 2022 20:11

Rémi Denis-Courmont
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