Looking at your forums, I am clearly not the first person to have this problem, but I'm not seeing any posts where it has been solved without extending the screensaver time in Windows itself. I would really like to be able to watch a movie in fullscreen without it going into the screensaver.
I switched because I was having issues with WMP and remembered that I liked VLC, but this is just disappointing. Of all the issues to have with your player, and I saw it as a complaint in the forum posts for complaints spanning the last three years. It's clearly the player. Has anybody actually solved this yet?
I have the latest version of the software and my system is set to never sleep or turn off the display. I'm on a PC with a wired connection (not that that has anything to do with the screensaver playing during playback).
I'm about to have to start shopping for new players, which I hate to do, but I would really like something that works the way it's designed to.