Goes into screensaver with Disable Screensaver checked

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Goes into screensaver with Disable Screensaver checked

Postby kraemaer » 14 Feb 2022 05:53

Looking at your forums, I am clearly not the first person to have this problem, but I'm not seeing any posts where it has been solved without extending the screensaver time in Windows itself. I would really like to be able to watch a movie in fullscreen without it going into the screensaver.

I switched because I was having issues with WMP and remembered that I liked VLC, but this is just disappointing. Of all the issues to have with your player, and I saw it as a complaint in the forum posts for complaints spanning the last three years. It's clearly the player. Has anybody actually solved this yet?

I have the latest version of the software and my system is set to never sleep or turn off the display. I'm on a PC with a wired connection (not that that has anything to do with the screensaver playing during playback).

I'm about to have to start shopping for new players, which I hate to do, but I would really like something that works the way it's designed to.

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Re: Goes into screensaver with Disable Screensaver checked

Postby Hitchhiker » 14 Feb 2022 15:59

The screensaver function is controlled by the setting you have enabled in the Windows screensaver which overrides the vlc setting. If that's set to enable the screensaver after say ten minutes then the screensaver will kick in even if the "Disable screensaver" in vlc is enabled.

To change Windows setting right click a blank part of the desktop and go to Personalize. Click the link to Screensaver and set it to something higher which won't interfere with video playback.

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Re: Goes into screensaver with Disable Screensaver checked

Postby jimkarl » 15 Feb 2022 09:47

Me tooo. The issue causing this appears to be due to the fact the config file vlcrc (mine stored in c:/users/username/appdata/roaming/vlc). The fle has a these lines
# Disable screensaver (boolean)
# disable-screensaver=1
Remove # on the second line.

Unfortunately, this only works briefly because the system overwrites this file shortly later for some reason and it reverts to the line being commented out again. Definitely a weird bug. My workaround to that was to make this file read only so the system can't edit it automatically. THIS solution tests working great, though wouldn't be the best permanent solution, since it possible some future vlc update might need to edit or replace these config files to support new features. but until i feel the need to update vlc again and until they fix this bug, I'll just do this. you can always make this file RW again before doing any vlc updates

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