I scoured the internet for this answer but got nothing I am using the newest version of VLC for both my stream and what I want to listen on, but I can't find my stream anywhere
Every time I load VLC ICECAST DIRECTORY I get a vary small random list of stations, I tried 30 searches on google and found only something that is requires a webmaster to know how to do, I am pissed.
Story goes I was introduced to VLC through my Castanova results I had over 1000 listeners in 4 days because I was always listed, now I can't even find a full list of the ICECAST stations I use Windows 10, People can find me somehow but I can't find myself, every time I load VLC I get a different set of stations I wish it was not so complicated to just see all of them at on one list instead of a limited number each time it loads and a different set of stations each and every time I do start up VLC.
this is not funny, even if I were trying to find a specific station I can't because the results are different every single time, it's a randomly selected playlist I am currently streaming under "The Angel Classic Rock Mix" I was somehow automatically placed into the VLC directory when I set my stream to always list in directory, I might be in VLC buried somewhere, but I can't find myself much less listen to any same station at a VLC session please help, sorry if this problem is listed somewhere else, but I ran 20 or 30 google searches typing in this matter with no results