How to I stop VLC from always starting maximized (I dont mean fullscreen)

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New Cone
New Cone
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How to I stop VLC from always starting maximized (I dont mean fullscreen)

Postby realflow100 » 21 Jun 2021 22:55

How to I stop VLC from always starting maximized (I dont mean fullscreen I mean maximized theres a difference)

For example if a video is 720p I want it to start in a smaller non-maximized window. scaled to fit the video

but it always starts fullscreen no matter what.
Even if i unmaximize it. and use the right click option to scale the player to video. as soon as the video ends. it will rescale to a large window. even and I have to repeat the process and being partially off-screen as well

How do I stop this behavior? ive scoured through all the options and settings and cant find anything about maximizing/unmaximizing anywhere in any settings. even in the advanced settings.

Is there some config option i can edit to stop this maximizing/large window nonsense?

Another problem is when starting 1080p videos sometimes it WONT start maximized. so the video is partially off the screen.
How do I fix all this broken nonsense behavior? it doesnt even center the non-maximized window to fit my screen. its just some random position somewhat off to the bottom right.
By comparison windows media player at least makes an ATTEMPT to match the video size when starting. but it doesnt fully 100% fit to the edges of my screen. on 1080p video it leaves a couple pixels space on all sides. I'd like it to maximize automatically

Another alternative is to maximize every time. but DONT scale the video to fit the screen. let it have borders on all sides. for smaller video. and fit to player for larger video when maximized. I dont like the blurry look when the player upscales the video to fit the player.

How would I fix this please?

Big Cone-huna
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Re: How to I stop VLC from always starting maximized (I dont mean fullscreen)

Postby Hitchhiker » 22 Jun 2021 08:17

Hit Ctrl + P to open preferences and remove the checkmark from "Resize interface to video size". Save, exit and restart vlc.

New Cone
New Cone
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Re: How to I stop VLC from always starting maximized (I dont mean fullscreen)

Postby realflow100 » 22 Jun 2021 22:32

that doesnt do what I want :(

now i have to manually maximize and un-maximize the window for 1080p and 720p videos :(

if I go to advanced preferences and disable video autoscaling. it works for 720p video (puts borders around it when maximized/larger player)
but for 1080p video or larger it crops off the edges! Not what I want!

I want the video to fit to the player if resolution is larger than the player.
and show borders if the video is smaller than the player. I cant seem to do that with any combination of options preferences or settings.

Big Cone-huna
Big Cone-huna
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Re: How to I stop VLC from always starting maximized (I dont mean fullscreen)

Postby Hitchhiker » 23 Jun 2021 11:34

Can't be done. The common resolution the vlc 3.0.0x series supports is 1280 x 720 although having said that it sometimes works with 1080p videos.

Try the 4.0 series nightly.

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