Crashes when taking screen shot.

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Crashes when taking screen shot.

Postby JayhawkSD » 02 Feb 2021 20:24

Just downloaded the latest version, 3.0.12 Vetenari, and it crashes when taking a snapshot. Using Windows 7 Home Professional. Video resumes at crashes position when restarted.

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Re: Crashes when taking screen shot.

Postby Lotesdelere » 03 Feb 2021 10:57

Taking a screenshot of what ? Because it works for me, even with live streams.

Run VLC with this command line for creating a log file:

Code: Select all

vlc --extraintf=logger --verbose=2 --logfile=C:\vlc.log --logmode=text --file-logging
and then paste the full resulting log here or on if it's too long.

Make sure you have full access rights to the destination path.

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Re: Crashes when taking screen shot.

Postby JayhawkSD » 03 Feb 2021 16:44

I made a log, but it's much to large to put in a comment, and I cannot even begin to understand what is all about or how to use it.

The issue may have to do with the size of the video, or the resolution of the image.
It did make a screen shot of an avi which was running at 860 x 482, crashes on mp4 running at 1280 x 720.

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Re: Crashes when taking screen shot.

Postby Hitchhiker » 03 Feb 2021 20:07

I made a log, but it's much to large to put in a comment, and I cannot even begin to understand what is all about or how to use it.

The issue may have to do with the size of the video, or the resolution of the image.
It did make a screen shot of an avi which was running at 860 x 482, crashes on mp4 running at 1280 x 720.

Pastebin is as easy as pie....really.

The home page has a blank field which looks like a message box where you simply paste the whole log you created. No need to create an account!

Scroll down a bit and you'll see the option to give it a name. Directly underneath that you'll see the "Create new paste button". Click that and then copy the URL at the top of the page and paste that here (otherwise we don't know where to look for it). Here's a pix. I joined the two important parts into the single picture, but you'll find the option easily enough I think.

(click to enlarge).

EDIT: here's a link to another user's Pastebin file in case it helps you understand the site.

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Re: Crashes when taking screen shot.

Postby JayhawkSD » 03 Feb 2021 23:12

Okay, if I did it right, here is the link:

Thanks for the help.

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