streaming over multi [ip]channel

About encoding, codec settings, muxers and filter usage

streaming over multi [ip]channel

Postby tuski_ » 05 Mar 2004 06:14

I would organize a multi monitor presentation in a big showRoom and i'm thinking to use a Linux (or Mac) Server, running vlc, to stream all the contents via TCP/IP.
My question are:
Could VLC realtime streaming 4/6 mpeg2 via RTSP or UDP. and it's possible (and easy :) ) to setup a script to start VLC(running on server) playing all the files at the same moment??

thanx in advance.


Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 14
Joined: 05 Mar 2004 03:16

Postby peabody » 05 Mar 2004 09:50

Are there different videos to be played? Or are these all going to be playing the same video?

If there are different files to play, VLS is a better candidate for this. VLS is specifically designed to accomidate multiple broadcasting of multiple sources to multiple channels.

VLC can only stream one source per instance, so you would need to run a copy of VLC for every source you're streaming from.

This would be trivial to script.


VLS choise

Postby tuski_ » 11 Mar 2004 12:37

yes, i thought of more than one videos at the same time. So i'll concentrate my work on VLS than VLC.

thanx a lot :D :D


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