I have recently been trying to use the VLC Unity Plugin and it keeps crashing my version of Unity; I'm curious if anyone might have an inkling why?
I've been building it from source (I am currently time-rich and cash-poor), following all the steps to properly build and assemble the actual plugin directory. I have added it to a blank Unity project, and after loading up the sample scene (main.unity) and running it, Unity throws a few warnings stating that the referenced script on on the game object "VLC Screen 1" is missing. Because of this, I then add the sample script (UseRenderingPlugin.cp) to the game object, replay, and Unity crashes. I have been troubleshooting for a while, trying to build different combinations of vlc-unity, libvlc, and libvlcsharp, but to no avail.
vlc-unity: (tag 0.0.4) from https://code.videolan.org/videolan/vlc-unity
libvlc: from https://nightlies.videolan.org/build/win64-llvm/vlc-4.0.0-20200205-0754/vlc-4.0.0-20200205-0754-dev-win64.7z
libvlcsharp: (commit b9452fe on the unity branch) from https://code.videolan.org/videolan/LibVLCSharp
Unity: 2019.3.0f6
Target platform: Windows 64
Thanks for any direction anyone could provide!