Scheduling a mixed playlist with VLC media player

Discussion about configuration and usage of VLM (a stream scheduler) within VLC.
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Scheduling a mixed playlist with VLC media player

Postby Bellz » 09 Oct 2019 20:50

First post and new user here.

I'd like to create a mixed playlist in VLC media player. The playlist will include both video file elements (.mp4 or .mov files, for example), as well as UDP video streams.

The video files have predetermined lengths and will play through to their end. The next element after a video file may be a UDP stream. A typical playlist may look like:

(1.) Video_File_01 @ 5 minutes duration (2.) UDP_Stream_01 @ 15 minutes duration (3.) Video_File_02 @ 3 minutes duration (4.) UDP_Stream_02 @ 7 minutes duration (etc., etc.)

Is there a way to assign a duration to each of the UDP_Stream elements so that they will only play for a predefined duration?
I've looked through the forum, tutorials and help files and couldn't find anything that answers this.

Thank you in advance for any assistance!

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