Programmatically recording RTSP stream to local disk on iOS

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Programmatically recording RTSP stream to local disk on iOS

Postby krissb » 27 Jun 2019 21:26


The VLC Mobile Kit is an outstanding piece of software. I'm looking to save an incoming RTSP stream in a format acceptable to iOS. I'm comfortable and happy to use the various AVFoundation classes to save the raw video frames to a MP4 video but I'm not sure how to get the raw frames in a CPU efficient manner. I saw in other forum posts that vmem could be a way to get frames out but it's noted there that the frame rate for that is 3-5 FPS at best. I'm hoping to save a 60 FPS video to disk that's streaming in via RTSP. 30 FPS would be ok too.

I also know of the startRecordingAtPath method in the vlc wrapper classes for iOS, specifically VLCMediaPlayer. Unfortunately, I'm not able to get it to work on my end, i.e. it fails to even start the recording when i use the framework via cocoapods. Unfortunately, haven't been able to yet get the framework to build on my local mac so that I can debug what's up with the method (al though I've spent a couple of days fixing various compilation issues that I encountered - I'm close but not across the goal line yet to getting the framework compiling locally).

Anyways, hoping that someone on this forum has some ideas on how I can achieve my goal as stated above.

Many thanks!

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