(Most) Youtube videos aren't playing.

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New Cone
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(Most) Youtube videos aren't playing.

Postby tuffghost » 11 Jun 2019 08:26

Sorry if this has been recently asked, but I cannot seem to get most Youtube videos to play. The only suggestion I can find anywhere is to update the Youtube lua file, which has not fixed the problem. The most recent update to that file on the github was 5 months ago anyway, so I'm probably just replacing the file with an exact copy of itself. This (playing Youtube videos with VLC) isn't something I've done with regularity in the past, so I cannot speak for whether or not recent versions has broken the functionality. What I *can* say is that it wasn't working with 3.0.6, isn't working with 3.0.7, nor is it working with the 3.0.7 nightly build. I'm on Windows 10 if that's useful information.

Here's the log (not sure if there's a better way to embed; it's too long to paste): [url]https://pastebin.com/VGTgYvqp[/url]

It does load the video title and information and for a brief second flashes the video before the error message comes up. However unlike the successful videos I cannot view any codec information. Anyone have any idea what's going wrong on my end? It doesn't happen with every video, but I can't figure out the commonality between the videos that will work and the videos that won't.

Thanks! I'll gladly provide any information I'm forgetting out of being overtired.

Blank Cone
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Re: (Most) Youtube videos aren't playing.

Postby corey » 12 Jun 2019 01:47

Google went and changed the YOUTUBE coding again. in attempt to force out third party software from seeing the video files, etc. ESPECIALLY the copyrighted ones.

A lot of apps are having issues right now like many of the 3rd party downloaders, video viewers, etc.

They are trying to force you to pay them for their premium service, where a lot of the things you use to be able to do for free was shifted to.

New Cone
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Re: (Most) Youtube videos aren't playing.

Postby simple_sandman » 13 Jun 2019 00:58

I'm glad I'm not the only one running into this issue. Here are some additional findings to this issue described by tuffghost:

I've described this issue with example YouTube links to videos that aren't working on ticket 22296.
I even attached my log file onto this ticket as well. The VLC versions and methods I've tried are also on that ticket.

New Cone
New Cone
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Joined: 11 Jun 2019 07:59

Re: (Most) Youtube videos aren't playing.

Postby tuffghost » 13 Jun 2019 03:57

Ahh, okay that makes sense! They must have just changed it because I JUST saw someone do it with a video that wasn't working for me the night before I posted this! Glad that it's at least something like that and not that I'm doing something exceptionally stupid.

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