When I navigate to the site to download the keys, I receive this warning:Perhaps, you can try this:
https://forum.videolan.org/viewtopic.ph ... 20#p467308
Put the files installed with AACS Updater (libaacs.dll, libbdplus.dll, libgcrypt-20.dll, libgpg-error6-0.dll) in the VLC installation folder.
Updated keys here:
It just means the ssl certificate has expired and your browser is blocking the site. Some browsers allow you to continue. But the KEYDB.cfg there is outdated anyway. Just get FindVUK and synch
When I navigate to the site to download the keys, I receive this warning:
vlc-bluray.whoknowsmy.name uses an invalid security certificate. The certificate expired on Sunday, August 12, 2018, 11:03:26 PM. The current time is August 23, 2018, 12:23 AM. Error code: SEC_ERROR_EXPIRED_CERTIFICATE
Anyone else know what's up with the site? Is there another [safe] location to download the keys?
Nothing I've done can make my VLC run Blu-Rays. [...] Blu-ray error: No valid processing key found in AACS config file.
I couldn't figure out how to make VLC Player 3.X even play BDs yet, since it does not seem to work under the Win-32 environment, so I'll worry about that if and when I get that far. Everything works great under 2.21 using LIBMMBD.DLL to substitute for LIBACCS.DLL and LIBBDPLUS.DLL, only no disc menus. But with 3.X that completely does not work under Win-32 environment. If anyone has any experience with this or has any pointers, I'd be interested to hear about it. There were some posts a while back such as this one:Yes, blu-ray menus are supported since version 3, even if some of them could not work perfectly.
Looking at the posts you suggested, it seems that this is the original VLC solution, which I did use along with the VUK database. However, this solution doesn't work well since it doesn't decode BD+ well, which is why I ended up using LIBMMBD.DLL from Make-MKV to be rid of components that AACS updater uses. I never bothered using the automatic AACS-Updater process, it worked just as well under VLC-Player 2.05 and 2.21 by manually inserting the necessary Win-32 DLL into the VLC-Player program folder and then manually adding the VUK database (KEYDB.CFG). But I dropped this solution because it is nowhere near as good as the Make-MKV DLL. What I'm trying to accomplish is make the exact same set up work when VLC-Player 3.X is installed using the Make-MKV API but it doesn't work. If there's a specific point about the info there, please enlighten / clarify. A while back I noticed that the AACS-Updater project was terminated. Has it been revived since?
Go to doom9 for questions about FindVUK. There is temporarily a problem with synching (probably because of a misplaced special char | in the title of 1 disc)I'm trying to get bluray working with VLC and have downloaded FindVUK 1.20 so I can get the latest .cfg file. When I open a command window and run "FindVUK synchronize" (which I believe is supposed to get the latest .cfg file) I get the errors below. Any ideas?
It will probably be fixed by thenOK I signed up at doom9 but can't post for 5 days ...
If you see this error it means VLC cannot find the libaacs.dll. Either it's in the wrong path or it's an incompatible version.
"Blu-ray error:
This Blu-ray Disc needs a library for AACS decoding, and your system does not have it.
Your input can't be opened:
VLC is unable to open the MRL 'bluray:///E:/'. Check the log for details."
It appears they are in the correct directories. Procmon shows the system is successfully reading libaacs.dll and KEYDB.cfg from the directories. I did see where the system would successfully read KEYDB.cfg from c:/users/evans/AppData/Roaming/aacs/KEYDB.cfg and then try to read KEYDB.cfg from c:\ProgramData\aacs\KEYDB.cfg when it would fail. So I also placed KeyDB.cfg in c:\programData\aacs\KEYDB.cfg. It didn't help. I also deleted the libaacs.dll from the system and redownloaded it, on the off chance I some how had the 32-bit version. I am using the 64-bit version of VLC.
There appears to be quite a mix of issues in this post so I'll try to be specific about the issue I'm experiencing and how EncryptedEggs' tip about turning off bluray menus has helped a little.One more thing: I actually resolved one random failing disc by turning off bluray menus here: http://i.imgur.com/yvldeTd.jpg. No reason at all that ought to help, but could try it since it inexplicably fixed one of my issues.
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