Chromecast streaming development

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Chromecast streaming development

Postby erythros » 10 Sep 2018 16:48

Good morning,

BLUF: Is there a development team for Chromecast streaming that I can plug into?

I am interested in providing support for Chromecast streaming development. I have read through the source code (specifically cast.cpp) and made changes to support my local requirements (specifically transcoding H265 due to lack of support on Chromecast models 1 and 2). I also modified the preferences section to fall more in line with how other preferences are offered. I would like to push these changes up but want to ensure that I have taken into account the project's reasons for the current hardcoded settings.

I apologize if this is the wrong forum to post in, I read through the rules of each and this seemed the most in line with my topic.



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Re: Chromecast streaming development

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 30 Sep 2018 08:42

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