Cannot limit recording time with --run-time or -stop-time

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Cannot limit recording time with --run-time or -stop-time

Postby GeorgeC » 25 Aug 2018 21:11

Hello again,

I'm trying to record streamed audio from online radio stations using Windows batch files. For regular mp3 streams, I do not have any problem

For example recording 60 secs from JazzFM91, I can do this in a batch file, and it works:

Code: Select all

vlc --sout=#std{access=file,mux=mp3,dst=C:\Users\georg\Desktop\JazzFM91.mp3} --run-time 60 vlc://quit
But for ERTU stations from Egypt, e.g. "SharkAwsat" and similar streams, vlc makes a proper, but not time limited, recording to file if ' --run-time 60 vlc://quit' is not added.

Code: Select all

vlc --sout=#std{access=file,mux=ts,dst=C:\Users\georg\Desktop\SharkAwsat.mp4}
but by adding ' --stop-time 60 vlc://quit', as below, the recording quits after a few seconds, regardless of the number following -run-time

Code: Select all

vlc --sout=#std{access=file,mux=ts,dst=C:\Users\georg\Desktop\SharkAwsat.mp4 --run-time 60 vlc://quit }
Why does the last code not work, and how to fix it? Thanks


Note: The long alpha-numeric text in the URL 'ab8e40e8-64a3-4fd7-8d25-ca0b77ff09a7/c578894a-5146-4f41-aa9a-e88d6b9fa429' changes every few weeks. The text included in the above example, works today, but may need to be changed in a week or so. gc
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Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Re: Cannot limit recording time with --run-time or -stop-time

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 30 Aug 2018 09:59

VLC version? It was broken in 3.0.2&3.0.3
Jean-Baptiste Kempf -
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New Cone
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Re: Cannot limit recording time with --run-time or -stop-time

Postby GeorgeC » 30 Aug 2018 17:02

VLC version? It was broken in 3.0.2&3.0.3
3.03 Vetinari
Think (critically) for yourself

Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Re: Cannot limit recording time with --run-time or -stop-time

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 31 Aug 2018 13:44

Try 3.0.4 from nightly build.
Jean-Baptiste Kempf -
VLC media player developer, VideoLAN President and Sites administrator
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New Cone
New Cone
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Joined: 21 Feb 2010 19:05

Re: Cannot limit recording time with --run-time or -stop-time

Postby GeorgeC » 02 Sep 2018 19:23

Try 3.0.4 from nightly build.

Still no success with September 2 Nightly Build: vlc-3.0.4-20180902-0549-win64.exe
Think (critically) for yourself

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