ActiveX switching show

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ActiveX switching show

Postby BillW » 28 Dec 2005 22:22

Using VB6.0 and version .8.4.
I have multiple multicast and want to spin through them so I call:
vc.addTarget <Playstr>, VOptions, VLCPlayListReplace, -666
where vc is the videolan activeX control
vOptions = Array(":no-audio")
the stop seems to work as I see the pylon on screen
but the playlistclear/addTarget only works every other time
Any clues??
THANX in advance

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 12
Joined: 28 Dec 2005 20:57

Postby Troberg » 29 Dec 2005 06:25

You'll have to wait for it to be ready at some points. I did it like this:

Code: Select all

vlc.stop vlc.playlistClear 'Wait until everything is really stopped Do While vlc.Length >= 0 DoEvents Loop vlc.addTarget File, Null, VLCPlayListReplaceAndGo, -666 'Wait until loaded Do While vlc.Length <= 0 DoEvents Loop
Works fine for me.


Additional solution

Postby BillW » 29 Dec 2005 16:58

I will try it your way as well. but under experimentation I found this also works:
.addTarget PlayStr, VOptions, VLCPlayListReplace, -666

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