Open in VLC from iPhotos app on iOS

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Open in VLC from iPhotos app on iOS

Postby baron_munchausen » 07 Oct 2017 23:55

Hey there,

Big VLC fan. So my issue is that when I use AirDrop, a video file coming from my computer goes straight to my iPhotos app, bypassing VLC. So I really have two questions:

1.) Is there a way to get AirDrop to send a movie file directly into VLC? And if not...

2.) Is there a way to open a movie file in the iPhotos app on my iPhone in VLC? I suppose that could also be phrased as: is there a way to import a movie file from iPhotos into VLC directly on my iPhone?

Thanks in advance for any help! The last instance I can find of this subject matter being addressed in this forum is at the link below, where the respondent says it's not currently supported (as of April 2016) but that the feature would be added to later versions of the app:


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