C# AxVLCPlugin2.attahEvent() not defined?

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C# AxVLCPlugin2.attahEvent() not defined?

Postby myown94 » 16 May 2017 22:13

Hello, I'm developing a c# app and im using the axvlc control but i cant access the attachEvent()/detachEvent() functions because apparently they're not defined.
I have the using AxAXVLC directive. Other functions work fine like AxVLCPlugin2.playlist.add() etc.
Please point me in the right direction.

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Re: C# AxVLCPlugin2.attahEvent() not defined?

Postby myown94 » 17 May 2017 00:49

I finally figured it out. For whatever reason the attachEvent/detachEvent functions dont exist in the xvlc.dll v1. But there are custom event handlers for every event. For example:

Some of the event handlers though are a part of System.EventHandler and you handle them the same way you handle other c# events.
Hopefully this helps someone.

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Re: C# AxVLCPlugin2.attahEvent() not defined?

Postby da2424 » 17 May 2017 13:42

attachEvent/detachEvent will be only provided by Internet Explorer. In C#, VB and so on, you have to use the custom event handlers as you have already found out.
Btw, since VLC 2.2.2, the AXVLC API v1 was removed. Only v2 is still available.

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