Youtube video plays but gets truncated

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New Cone
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Youtube video plays but gets truncated

Postby Foxbat » 21 Nov 2016 05:36

So I try to play a youtube video in what seem to be the standard way.

Open the youtube URL
Set an 'end' event callback
In the end event callback retrieve the subitem and play that

At this point I get video frames but only for a short while. The log file shows:

This seems to be success...

http debug: protocol 'HTTP' answer code 206
http debug: Content-Type: video/mp4
http debug: stream size=55182497,pos=424379,remaining=54758118
http debug: this frame size=54758118
http debug: Connection: close
http debug: Server: gvs 1.0
http debug: trying to seek to 514457
core debug: net: connecting to port 443
core debug: connection succeeded (socket = 1604)
gnutls debug: TLS handshake: Resource temporarily unavailable, try again.
gnutls debug: TLS handshake: Resource temporarily unavailable, try again.
gnutls debug: TLS handshake: Resource temporarily unavailable, try again.
gnutls debug: TLS handshake: Resource temporarily unavailable, try again.
gnutls debug: TLS handshake: Success.
gnutls debug: 3 certificate(s) in the list

And at failure:

http debug: protocol 'HTTP' answer code 206
http debug: Content-Type: video/mp4
http debug: stream size=55182497,pos=514457,remaining=54668040
http debug: this frame size=54668040
http debug: Connection: close
http debug: Server: gvs 1.0
mp4 warning: track[0x1] will be disabled (eof?)
core warning: can't get output picture
core warning: can't get output picture
core debug: removing module "avcodec"
core warning: can't get output picture
avcodec debug: ffmpeg codec (H264 - MPEG-4 AVC (part 10)) stopped
core debug: killing decoder fourcc `h264', 1 PES in FIFO
core debug: saving a free vout
core debug: reusing provided vout
core errocrore: debug: FEOF reailed to change zooma
core error: Failed to change source AR

So what would cause the "mp4 warning: track[0x1] will be disabled (eof?)" and "core warning: can't get output picture" errors ?

Testing with this video I get 66 frames and then libvlc bails. Other videos will play longer but will fail to complete.

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