Hey there!
First of all, I'm pretty familiar with programming but pretty new with VLC Lua scripting.
I want to create ancillary custom http-server for VLC to expose some dynamic information (e.g. current subtitle) so external applications can randomly read it. It can be realized as an interface or as an extension depending on existing options.
The matter is that I can't find any wokring example of using vlc.httpd and its handler to bring up a simple server. VLC Lua Readme https://www.videolan.org/developers/vlc ... README.txt gives very small hint on this topic. Wide Internet searching gave me almost nothing too. I've tried to utilize some experience from Syncplay script but is uses vlc.net.listen_tcp not the vlc.httpd and my approach was unsuccessful.
So, I have 2 questions:
1. What is the right form of script to create ancillary http-server: interface or extension?
2. Is there any basic code to start with?
Best regards!