Firstly, thank you for your reply.Seriously, do you really think we do that because it's fun? We do it because there are no other solutions so far.
We spend our days doing stuff for free for our users, and then we get posts that are borderline insulting like yours... And almost never a thank you.
Then, don't wonder why noone answers the forum. When I see posts like yours, I just want to shutdown this forum...
That's a point in itself. Clearly the system is still failing.Even now, with an extremely aggressive system, we ban more than 100 posts per day.
"If you surround yourself with high walls, don't expect many visitors" -- by AkisameWe lack contributors and people answering on the forum are rare.
I can't maintain them, but I'd be more than willing to login once a day and go through your list of queued posts and hit approve or delete. It may not be much, but it would take the additional strain off you guys. That is, of course, assuming I can access the site.So unless you want to maintain this forum for free on your leisure time, this will not change.
We've done everything suggested here in the past. It does not work.0. I know you guys work hard, but you *cannot*, as a public organisation, have a bad attitude towards users. No matter how annoying it gets hearing the same complaints, seeing the same posts in the wrong places, etc. There's only one human being who ever got away with a bad attitude towards the public and that's Linus and it's *only* because he makes us laugh.
1. I know. But that doesn't change the fact that it's a system that needs reform (not just here, everywhere). It's like arguing that because [re]captcha has been around for so long and is ubiquitous, we should keep using it, even though it's also outdated and made redundant by current tech/trends (image recognition, farms of people solving captchas, etc). Common way of doing != correct way way of doing it.
My personal feelings are you should have just the registration page block IPs. Think, non-registered users cannot post, only registered users can login, logged in users who violate policy get banned and cannot log in. Cut and dry if you ask me.
2. I don't know how hard this is to implement, but maybe: Limit new users to text and no embeds/uploads. Tricky part solved. Compare the text to a dictionary and if the black-listed word-count > 1, flag the post.
3. How long ago? Spamming these days is done en mass. Either by bots or by people who get paid $0.005 USD or something that stupid per post. In both cases, they'd not be able/willing to make 10 meaningful and intelligible posts. Very few people are still trying to promote/advertise their crappy site, app, scam, or pyramid scheme by themselves. Those that are will use the methods I'm using now to circumvent your system (check the IPs I've logged in under vs the IP I registered with).
4. Fair enough, as I mentioned. I've no experience coding with forum software. You could disable redirects as it would probably deter spammer in the first place. You could also blacklist known crap addresses so that posts containing hyperlinks to them were deleted automatically.
5. I never got any proof-of-human tests and when I registered it was through a *very* dubious network. Did you mean you used to use it?
6. You're missing the point here. Your system does *not* protect you here *because* the adversary has *already* obtained credentials.
*. A banned user will not be able to login. Solved.
*. A registered user will be able to login. Proof of not being a spammer until they spam. If he does spam at this point, the system has already failed you.
7.In my case, it can only be my real IP. I've tried multiple browsers, tried multiple UA strings. The only time I can use these forums is with TBB, which is hugely ironic because that's where most of your spam is probably coming from.
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