Configuration to play a raw H.264 UDP STREAM

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Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 14
Joined: 14 Sep 2010 15:54

Configuration to play a raw H.264 UDP STREAM

Postby shoumo » 14 Sep 2010 17:48

A device is sending raw H.264 UDP stream to a PC. The picture parameter set, the sequence parameter set and the individual video frames are all coming in as separate integral UDP packets and maintain the actual timing. It follows the same format as a raw H.264 file of extension .h264 or .x264.

VLC can play a .h264 file. But how can we play a raw .h264 UDP stream. What are the Configuration Parameters needed by VLC to play the raw H.264 UDP stream.

Thanks for your advices in advance.

New Cone
New Cone
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Joined: 27 May 2016 12:12

Re: Configuration to play a raw H.264 UDP STREAM

Postby bongani » 27 May 2016 14:19

[quote="shoumo"]A device is sending raw H.264 UDP stream to a PC. The picture parameter set, the sequence parameter set and the individual video frames are all coming in as separate integral UDP packets and maintain the actual timing. It follows the same format as a raw H.264 file of extension .h264 or .x264.

VLC can play a .h264 file. But how can we play a raw .h264 UDP stream. What are the Configuration Parameters needed by VLC to play the raw H.264 UDP stream.

Thanks for your advices in advance.

@shoumo did you finally find a solution for this problem ?

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