Activating 10 band equalizer

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Activating 10 band equalizer

Postby mjjanssen2 » 06 Apr 2016 21:35

Hi all,

I have embedded an VLC control control in my C# winforms project. (axVLCPlugin21 control VLC version 2.1.5).

The implemtation was succesfull and all is up and running.

What I now like to do is use the build-in equalizer to modify the audio output. I use a playlist and I now I need to add options as a string format.

What I found out so far is that a piece of code like this works (just to check the syntax)

Code: Select all

string[] Voption = { ":no-audio" }; this.axVLCPlugin21.playlist.items.clear(); this.axVLCPlugin21.playlist.add(convertedURL, null, Voption);
To setup the 10-band equalizer I have two options according to the commandline help

1. --equalizer-preset
2. --equalizer-bands

So my option code should look something like this:

Code: Select all

string[] Voption = { ":equalizer-bands=19 19 19 19 0 -2 -4 -2 0 2" }
However, is does not work. The equalizer is listed in the VLC properties as audio filter, so therefore I might first need to set up the audio filter and then configure the equalizer. That would like look something like this:

Code: Select all

string[] Voption = { ":audio-filter=equalizer", ":equalizer-preamp=-16" }
In this last line of code I have used the equalizer-preamp settings to check whether the code works, but it does not. I am also not sure if ":audio-filter=equalizer" is valid. All the documentation says that is needs to be a string, but not what valid input parameters are.

So I am stuck at this point and there no more documentation to look at according google. Any help is very much appreciated!

Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Re: Activating 10 band equalizer

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 28 Jun 2016 10:00

You cannot with the AxVLC API.
Jean-Baptiste Kempf -
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Re: Activating 10 band equalizer

Postby Early Riser » 03 Jul 2016 15:38

This may or may not help with your specific project but it will help those who want to want to pre-activate the 10 band EQ when loading a specific play list directly from a shortcut. I use VLC 2.2.1 on XP pro 64 and here is what I did.
Original shortcut - properties - Target "E:\PlayLists\xxxx xxxx.xspf"
Change the Target to "C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe" --audio-filter equalizer --equalizer-bands="-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5" "E:\PlayLists\xxxx xxxx.xspf"
Quotes around E:\PlayLists\xxxx xxxx.xspf are needed because of the space in the file name.
I hope this helps.

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