Cross fade between tracks?

Feature requests for VLC.
New Cone
New Cone
Posts: 1
Joined: 21 Aug 2015 01:41

Cross fade between tracks?

Postby Karl89 » 21 Aug 2015 01:46

Once I have multiple tracks set to play back to
back, say, from an entire directory, is there a way I then can have VLC
automatically cross fade between the tracks, rather than doing like a CD,
and having gaps betwen each song? Let me clarify here... I don't want 0
seconds of silence, as in, let one track totally end, then the next start
with no space between. I literally want a true crossfade where by as one
track is finnishing, the next track fades up on top of it, kind of like
you'd get in a radio environment. Like the cross fading option within

Even better, if I manually double click a song in a playlist to get it going, the cross fade will also happen.

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