Can' play mp4 requiring Xvid codec

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Can' play mp4 requiring Xvid codec

Postby kiiwii » 16 Aug 2015 11:32

I am VERY MUCH a newbie so watch your language if you answer me (I'm likely not to get it unless you use plain english !! :lol: )
I'm trying to play a video downloaded from the net, mp4.
It starts (and stop there !!!) stating that Xvid codec is required.
I downloaded and installed the required codec from - but Vlc still does not play the video.
I even made a restart, just in case....
what's wrong ? :roll:

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Re: Can' play mp4 requiring Xvid codec

Postby Lotesdelere » 16 Aug 2015 12:52

Sounds like something fishy similar to this:

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Re: Can' play mp4 requiring Xvid codec

Postby kiiwii » 16 Aug 2015 14:19

thanks Lotesdelere, but it's not similar
VLC works fine, it's just certain videos which seem to require a codec which it does not contain : Xvid
and since I installed it... how do I get VLC fo find it ?

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Re: Can' play mp4 requiring Xvid codec

Postby Lotesdelere » 16 Aug 2015 19:49

Let's make it clear: VLC will never ask you to install any codec.
VLC uses only its own internal built-in codecs and obviously the Xvid codec is one of them.

I bet this message is on the video and it will appear with any media player because this video is a trap which might redirects you to some bad site.
Some players, for instance WMP, can run such hidden scripts but VLC will ignore them. Still, what is on the video is shown.

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Re: Can' play mp4 requiring Xvid codec

Postby kiiwii » 16 Aug 2015 20:32

You're right : the player does not ask for anything
just shows the first picture of the video which states only that "XviD Video Codec May Be Required to View Video"
thanks for your interest !

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