I'm trying to do a very simple player for windows 7 in C++ on Embarcadero using vlclib 2.2.1
Below is my very simple code to initialize lib and to start the video from a streaming udp source.
I run the program from command line to pass some parameters to it.
void __fastcall TForm3::FormShow(TObject *Sender)
m_pInst = libvlc_new (_argc-1, (const char *const *)&_argv[1]); // first parameter is exe filepath
m_pM = libvlc_media_new_location(m_pInst, "udp://@"); // udp source streaming muticast address and port
if(m_pM) {
m_pMP = libvlc_media_player_new_from_media (m_pM);
libvlc_media_player_set_hwnd (m_pMP, Handle);
if(m_pMP) {
libvlc_media_player_play (m_pMP);
I copied myplayer.exe on a vlc-2.2.1 folder to be sure to use same libraries, plugins, etc...
It's working (I mean I can see the video streaming) but I can pass to the player some parameters (for example myplayer.exe --file-logging --verbose=2)
but not --config=myvlcrc (It seems just ignoring it: the logfile is not generated and the second log window doesn't show).
myvlcrc is a modified vlcrc with logging property setted as above.
myvlcrc is a correct vlcrc file because if I run vlc.exe --config=myvlcrc I can see the log file and the second log window.
Can anybody help? What I'm doing wrong?