VLC Player

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VLC Player

Postby mergtech » 05 Feb 2015 23:57

Have installed VLC player and attempted to play a VCG disc, however Player is NOT recognizing disc as VCG. Instead it recognizes only audio portion of disc rendering disc useless. Does anyone have a solution to this dilemma?

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Re: VLC Player

Postby cuser » 06 Feb 2015 01:14

you mean vcd?

have you tried by opening vlc and then clicking media then choosing open disc and then choosing svcd/vcd and then clicked play?

New Cone
New Cone
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Re: VLC Player

Postby mergtech » 06 Feb 2015 05:42

Sorry Actually its a Cd+g. windows 7 64 bit. the windows odd and vlc both recognize the disc as an audio disc and not really as a cdg. I have confirmed the vlc does play is however no graphics or lyric's in the visually effects. is there a setting or something I am missing for it display the subtital or graphic?

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