TCP Connection timeout in plugin

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Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 27
Joined: 26 Mar 2004 19:29

TCP Connection timeout in plugin

Postby fly135 » 05 Jan 2015 20:21

I have a streaming server constraint where it takes about 12 sec for the VLC plugin to receive a response to the RTSP DESCRIBE. This is fine in the VLC Player because I can set the TCP connection timeout to about 20 secs. However when trying to use the VLC plugin from a browser I cannot set this parameter. I have tried several methods of using the options in playlist.add but none work.

var options = new Array("rtsp-tcp",":ipv4-timeout=20000");
var options = new Array("rtsp-tcp","ipv4-timeout=20000");
var options = new Array("rtsp-tcp","--ipv4-timeout=20000");

Does anyone know of a way to set this parameter? Or maybe it has a different name.


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